Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Nursultanova Lyazzat

Nursultanova Lyazzat

Nursultanova Lyazzat

Nursultanova Lyazzat Nurbayevna was born January 9, 1959 in a village Dossor, Makat area, Atyrau region. In 1981 graduated from Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, historical faculty. Further - the Kazakh technical academy, professor of chair of social, humanitarian and general education disciplines. One candidate of historical sciences in 2010 was prepared.

Number of scientific works: more than 70.

Academic degree: doctor of historical sciences.

Academic status: professor.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural sciences.

Scientific direction: Historical sciences.

Region: Kazakhstan.

Has the CERTIFICATE of the participant of the encyclopedia “Scientists of Russia”.

Scientific publications:


1. History of formation and development of oil industry of pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan (the end of H_H – the head of the XX centuries). Almaty. “Carat” – 2004. - 101 pages.

2. Development of oil industry of Kazakhstan in days of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) of Almaty. “Carat” – 2005. - 155 pages.

3. The oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan in days of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) of Almaty – 2010. - 256 pages (16 items of l.).

4. History of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times up to now. In 5 volumes. T.5. Almaty. Atamura. 672 pages in coauthor.

5. History of independent Kazakhstan. Monograph. Almaty. 2011. 400 pages (in сoauthor).

6. Kazakhstan foreign policy: formation and development. Nuclear heating plant., 2012.-85 pages (5 items of l.)

7. Southern Kazakhstan area: development and prospect. Monograph. Astana, 2013. – 243 pages (14 items of l.) (in coauthor).

8. Kazakhstan in modern conditions Astana 2013 292p.

The scientific articles published in the CIS countries and Kazakhstan from 2009 to 2013:

1. Preparation of national shots of modern Kazakhstan// Отан тарихы, 2009. No. 1 (45). – Page 96-106.

2. Modern culture of Kazakhstan//History of Kazakhstan: teaching at school. 2009, No. 7. – Page 29-32.

3. Formation of foreign policy of Kazakhstan// Отан тарихы, 2009. No. 3 (47). – Page 25-33.

4. Development of education of modern Kazakhstan//History of Kazakhstan: teaching at school. 2009, No. 8. – Page 42-45.

5. Streets are called by their names.//Materials of scientific and practical conference “Archive and society: interaction preservation of cultural heritage”. – Almaty, on September 25, 2009.

6. Theoretical and methodological problems of research of the contemporary history of Kazakhstan//Materials of scientific and practical conference “Archive and society: interaction preservation of cultural heritage”. – Almaty, on September 25, 2009.

7. Contribution of oil industry workers of Kazakhstan to a general Victory//Minsk. July 14, 2010.

8. From history of deportation of the people of the USSR//the Collection of materials of a forum of historians of the Commonwealth countries “From history – to the present”. On May 27-29, 2010 - Astana, “LADY” 2010. – Page 282-286.

9. From experience of works of the evacuated enterprises in Alma-Ata (1941-1945)//Historical science of Kazakhstan: traditions and present. – Almaty.: “Арыс баспасы”, 2009. – Page 79-82.

10. The foreign capital in oil industry of pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan//MNPK “Chokan Valikhanov and Humanitarian science in XXI century”, devoted to Ch. Valikhanov's 175 anniversary. On November 5, 2010 – Page 55-59.

11. Kazakhstan-Russian partnership in modern conditions//MNPK “Unconflictive Reading of Joint History — a Neighborliness Basis”. Moscow. October 20, 2010.

12. Some aspects of the national liberation movement of 1916//Collection of “National liberation movement of 1916: history and the present”, devoted to the 140 anniversary since the birth of A. Dzhanbosynov on May 29, 2010 – Page 15-18.

13. Foreign policy activity of Kazakhstan in Asia.// Отан тарихы. No. 1. 2011. – Page 17-25. – 0,5 items of l.

14. The defensive industry in days of the Great Patriotic War//the Bulletin of archival service Almaty. 2011. No. 1. Page 50-58. – 0,5 items of l.

15. Cooperation of Kazakhstan and countries of the Middle East//Kazakhstan Range. 2011. No. 2. – Page 39-47. – 0,5 items of l.

16. Some results and prospects of social and economic development of Atyrausky area during the modern period// Отан тарихы. No. 3. 2011. - Page 161-168. – 0,4 items of l.

17. State regulation of an oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan//”Socio-humanistic science of Kazakhstan: 20 years of self-comprehension and integration into a global cultural and historical context”//Sb. materials of the International forum on topical issues of science and education, devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty. 2011. – 468 pages (217-229).