Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kairbekov Bakhyt

Kairbekov Bakhyt

Kairbekov Bakhyt

Kairbekov Bakhyt Gafurovich - a president of a film studio “Kazakhfilm” named after Sh. Aymanov. He was born in 1953 in the city Alma-Ata. Poet, translator, screenwriter and producer. Graduated from Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorkyi (1975), High courses of screenwriters and movie producers at state cinema of USSR (1989).

He is professor of Academy of art named after T.Zhurgenov. honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The winner of an award of Makhambet Utemisov. The winner of an award “Құрмет”. Academician of the Euroasian Academy of television and radio (Russia, Moscow).

He is the member of Kazakhstan’s Union of writers. Member of the Union of cinematographers of Kazakhstan. The author of more than 10 poetic books and more than 80 documentary films. Bakhyt Gafurovich with enthusiasm works more than 15 years on the materials opening cosmogonic representations of the Turkic peoples concerning ethnography of the Turkic people, the poetics of the Kazakh ceremonies inspires him.

Bakhyt Kairbekov – the recognized master of the Kazakhstan film documentary, and acts at the same time as the scriptwriter and the director. Movies of him are noted by diplomas of the international film festivals in Romania, China, Iran, Hungary, Germany.

The triptych “Полнолуние” (“Polnolunie”) and the movie “Сундет” (“Sundet”) from series “Домусульманские обычаи и традиции казахов” (“Pre Muslim customs and traditions of Kazakh people”) was noted by the highest award of the Open Forum of the Russian television “Лазурная звезда” (“Azure star”, Sochi, 1999).

The movie “Кызыл трактор” (“Kyzyl Tractor”) won a special prize of the V Euroasian Teleforum “For a contribution to formation of uniform cultural and educational space” (Moscow, 2002). The movie about the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev “Излучение любви” (“The love radiation”) in the project “Faces of Eurasia” was awarded with the IX Euroasian Teleforum's Grand Prix (2006).

B. Kairbekov was the first, who brought the contribution in “Videoletopis” about the new capital of Astana the movie called “Architecture of Dream”, after which movies “We Will Talk About the Main Thing”, “Axiom Covered” were created, made a triptych about activity of our president Nursultan Nazarbayev.