Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Issina Nurikamal

Issina Nurikamal

Issina Nurikamal


I am, Issina Nurikamal Utepovna, was born on October 19, 1961 in the village Bratolyubovka of the Derzhavinsk area of the Tselinograd region. After the finishing of high school in 1979, I studied on philological faculty at the Kustanay teacher training college. From 1984 to 1987 I worked as the teacher of Russian language and literature at school. From 1988 to 1990 I worked as the teacher of Russian language at Arkalyk teacher training college. From 1990 to 1994 I was studied in full-time postgraduate study at Kazakh Humanitarian National University named after Al-Farabi. In 1994 I graduated from full-time postgraduate study at chair of the Russian and foreign literature of Kazakh Humanitarian University named after Al-Farabi, defended the master's thesis on a subject “The author and the hero in A. Kekilbayev's prose” (the research supervisor was associate professor Mishchenko V. H.). In 1995 I was invited in Kostanay state university named after A. Baitursynov for teaching work.

During staying in Kostanay state university I worked as the Scientific secretary of Council of university, the head of the department of literature, the deputy director for studies of Social and humanitarian institute as a part of university.

In 2005 on a competitive basis I was employed as the associate professor of the Russian literature at the Euroasian national university named after L.N. Gumilev. Now I work as the associate professor of the Russian philology. Candidate of Philology, associate professor of The highest Certifying Commission of Kazakhstan.

Number of scientific works: more than 60. Two of them are monographs: “The author and the hero in A. Kekilbayev's prose” (2000), “A typology of narrative forms in literature (on material of the Kazakh and Russian literature of the 60-80th of 20 century)” (2010); 3 manuals: “The translations of fables of A. Baytursynov” (1999), “The Russian literature of Kazakhstan” (2012), “Russian language” (in a co-authorship with Kazina R. A.) (2014). I published scientific articles and reports in The highest Certifying Commission of Kazakhstan magazines, including: “ENU’s bulletin”, “Messenger of KarHU”, “Messenger of KazNU”, “Messenger of KAZNPU”, "PHU’s Bulletin”, “EAGI Bulletin”, “Bulletin of Kaynar university” and others; in materials of the international scientific conferences, symposiums, in foreign editions, including, “European Applied Sciences” Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland (The national center ISSN of Germany); International Academic Research Conference on Bussines, Education, Nature and Technology. International Center for Education & Technology. Seattle (State of Washington, USA); in collections “Pushkin Readings”, “The Russian literature in the context of world culture (Russia, Ishim)”, “Literature and art culture of the Turkic people in a context the East-West” (The Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan.), “Aytmatov readings” (Moscow, RUDN), “The Russian literature in Russia and Kazakhstan: aspects of integration” (Russia, Barnaul).

Scientific training: On August 25 – September 05, 2011 I passed scientific training in Bratislava (Slovakia).

The taught disciplines: Introduction to literary criticism, Theory of literature, Russian literature of Kazakhstan, History of the Kazakh literature, Actual problems of theory of translation of 20 century.

Area of scientific interests: theory of literature, poetics of the art text, theory and practice of a literary translation, modern literary process.