Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Zhakanov Iliya

Zhakanov Iliya

Zhakanov Iliya

Zhakanov Iliya – musician, writer, publicist, musicologist, honored worker of culture of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. He was born in 1936 in village Sarysui of Zhambyl region. He graduated from Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov, philological faculty.

Zhakanov worked as the literary editor in system of the State Council committee of ministers of KAZSSR on television to broadcasting, the editor-in-chief of musical edition of the Kazakh radio. At present time he is engaged in free creativity. Songs of Zhakanov very popular among young people. He is the author of songs: “Алматы кешинде” (“Almaty keshinde”), “Асылым” (“Asylym”), “Жайлаукол кештери” (“Zhailaukol keshteri”) and many others. Author of the collection of music for short stories: “Еки жирен” (“Eki zhiren”), “Биринши концерт” (“Birinshi koncert”), “Аккулар конган айдын кол” (“Akkular kongan aidyn kol”), the novel “Ыхлас” (“Ykhlas”) and series about musical science and musicians.