Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Konyratbayev Auelbek

Konyratbayev Auelbek

Konyratbayev Auelbek

The most popular Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Philology, professor, member of the Union of writers of the USSR.

He dealt with problems of folklore studies, oriental studies, a tyurkologiya, history of the Kazakh literature, literary criticism, was the founder of a technique of teaching literature in Kazakhstan.

He was born in the Shiyelinsk area of Kyzylordy region of KAZSSR. He graduated from Tashkent Kazinpros (1925), All-Union communistic institute of journalism named after Pravda(1935), the Kazakh teacher training college named after Abai (1943).

In the 20th in Tashkent worked editorial offices of the “Zhas Kayra”t magazine (editor Gani Muratbayev), “Ak Zhol” newspapers (editor S. Hodzhanov) in Tashkent, he published the first works of art – stories and verses.

These years he listened lectures of the academician V. V. Bartold, participated in folklore expedition of professor A. Divayev, met representatives of the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Turkmen intellectuals - M. Auezov, M. Zhumabayev, K. Tynystanov, A. Tokambayev, H.Zarifov, K. Boriyev, and others. Author of numerous poetic works as poems: “Қыз байгесі” (“Kyz baigesi”), “Жеті алып” (“Zheti alyp”) and “Шардара” (“Shardara”).

He translated into Kazakh works of Pushkin, Lermontov, East poem “Комде и Модан” (“Komde I Modan”), “Книгу попугая” (“Parrot’s book”), “Книгу моего деда Коркута” (“My grandfather Korkyt’s book”), novel of N.Tikhonov “Вамбери” (“Vambery”) and “Акбоз ат” (“Akboz at”) of D. Mamin-Siberyak.

A. Konyratbayev – one of founders of literary science in Kazakhstan. Since 1944 graduate student, jr. research associate of the Kazakh branch of Science Academy of the USSR. Since 1946 the Head of manuscript Department of Institute of Language and literature of Science Academy of KAZSSR. In 1948 he took part in creation of the academic publication “Stories of the Kazakh Literature”, where together with M. Auezov wrote the section on the Kazakh liro-epos. In different years he worked as the teacher of KAZGU, KAZPI and Kyzylorda teacher's college.

A. Konyratbayev was awarded by the Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1975), the award “Honour Sign” (1961), numerous medals. Excellent student of national education of KAZSSR (1975). Streets, school #48 in the center of the Shiyelinsk area of Kyzylorda region are called by his name.