Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Nysanbayev Abdumalik

Nysanbayev Abdumalik

Nysanbayev Abdumalik

Nysanbayev Abdumalik was born on May 1, 1937 in village Karaultobe of Kyzylorda region. Kazakh. He graduated from Kyzylorda state pedagogical institute named after N.V. Gogol, math faculty. He was Stalin scholar (1955-1960). Postgraduate study of Institute of philosophy of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1962-1964).

He is the doctor of philological science (1977), professor (1980), academician of Science Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (23.02.2013).

He is the author of more than 600 scientific publications, his 70 works published in 25 languages around the world. The author of the monograph – “Dialectics and modern mathematics” (1982), “Dialectical and logical principles of creation of the theory” (1973), “Development of knowledge and the mathematician” (1971), “The person and open society” (1998), “Kazakhstan. Democracy. Spiritual updating” (1999), “Қазақ философиясы” (“Qazaq philosophy”), “Independence. Democracy. Humanity” (2011), “Globalization and problems of cross-cultural dialogue” in 2 volumes, etc.

Under the scientific management and with direct participation of the academician Nysanbayev A.N. the first four volumes of essentially new National encyclopedia of the sovereign state “Қазақстан” was prepared and published (1997-2003). In 1965-1990 “The dialectic logic” in 4 volumes was prepared and published. Besides, under his scientific management fundamental works were developed and created by the anthological principle: “Philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people since the most ancient times up to now” in 20 volumes, “World philosophical heritage” in 20 volumes, “Al-Farabi collected works” in 10 volumes. Under the scientific guide of the academician Nysanbayev A.N. 67 people became doctors of philosophical and political sciences, and 99 – candidates of philosophical and political sciences. He created the International school of sciences on philosophical and political sciences.

Certificate of honor of the Supreme Council Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (22.09.1986).

The winner of the State award of Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic in the field of science and equipment (26.12.1984).

Honored worker of science and equipment of Kazakhstan (08.07.1994).

Honored worker of science of the Kyrgyz Republic (15.05.1996).

Medal “Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 10 жыл” (10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan) (23.10.2001).

Presidential award of the world and spiritual consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan (22.10.1998).

Award “Достық” (22.10.1998).

Award “Парасат” (07.12.2004).

Medal “10 years to Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (17.01.2006).

Sign of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (09.03.2004).

Medal of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Ybray Altynsarin (10.03.1994).

The winner of the first award named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (22.11.1974).

Academician of the Russian academy of social sciences (14.06.1995).

Foreign member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (17.05.1996).

Academician of the Ukrainian academy of political sciences (23.04.1997).

Winner of the award “Озат кісі” of the Daryn company of Mongolia (Ulan Bator, 30.07.1997).

Gold medal named after Dzhalaleddin Rumi of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey.

Academician of the International public Aytmatovsky academy (Bishkek, 17.09.2000)

Gold medal named after Moustapha Chokay of Academy of social sciences of Kazakhstan.

Gold medal of Abylay khan of Academy of natural sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (24.04.1997).

The invited professor of Huazhonsk university of science and technology of China (Wuhan, 13.04.2004).

International award “For a Contribution to the Turkic World” of 2005 (Ankara, 14.04.2006).

Excellent student of national education of Tajikistan (11.05.2007).

Silver medal of Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences “For contribution to development of philosophy” (18.02.2010).

Subject of the master's thesis: “Value of the principle of compliance for disclosure of the nature of truth in mathematics” – was defended on December 24, Moscow, 1964 at Institute of philosophy of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Subject of the doctoral dissertation: “Dialektical - logical principles of synthesis and development of mathematical knowledge” – it was defended at Institute of philosophy and the right of Kazakh Science Academy by the Soviet Socialist Republic, on January 17, 1975.

1960-1961 – the senior laboratory assistant of laboratory of electrochemistry of Institute of chemical sciences of Kazakh Science Academy the Soviet Socialist Republic.