Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kozhagululy Birzhan

Kozhagululy Birzhan

Kozhagululy Birzhan

Birzhan Kozhagululy (1834-1897) – composer, poet. Having outstanding vocal skills, and skillfully playing on dombra, Birzhan at early age found wide popularity. The main subject in Birzhan's creativity is a love.

Songs are devoted to it: “Айтбай” (“Aitbay”), “ Гашыгым” (“Gashygym”), “Гашык жыр” (“Gashyk zhyr”), “Жамбас сипар” (“Zhambas sipar”) and others filled with high feelings, experiences, sincerity and genuine lyricism. Birzhan's creativity deeply national on sources and in fact, differed in novelty of a form and a variety of subject. Birzhan's songs lifted national song art on higher level, brought a variety and original art style performance of songs and aytys. Life Birzhan's creativity formed the basis of one of the best Kazakh operas “Birzhan and Sara”. In it his songs are widely used.