Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Ybraiymuly Adilbek

Ybraiymuly Adilbek

Ybraiymuly Adilbek

Ybraiymuly Adilbek was born on April 18, 1965 in village Kyzyl-Agash of Aksu area, Alma-Aty region. He graduated from Kazakh Humanitarian University, journalism faculty and Kazakh State Law University. He began his working career as correspondence in youth newspaper “Лениншіл жас” (“Leninshil zhas”). He worked in fund “Matay-fond”, Turkish-Kazakh newspaper “Zaman-Қазахстан”, in Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (has a diplomatic rank of the 3rd secretary), Kazakhstan’s agency for public service, JSC KazTransOil, magazine “Мұнайлы Қазақстан” (“Munaily Kazakhstan”), LLP “Television of Astana”, “Rauan” publishing house and office of the Prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He is the author of collections of poems “Пір мен пырақ” (“Prorok and Pegasus”), “Көктемсіз жыл” (“Year without spring”), “Сүмбіле шуағы” (“An August beam”), novel “Адам-айуан” (“People – animal”), “Ұяластар” (“Blood brothers”) and books of stories and stories “Ақкекіл” (“A white chubchik”).