Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Oraz Nurgozha

Oraz Nurgozha

Oraz Nurgozha

Nurgozha Oraz was born on October 20, 1932 in village “Oktyabr” Urits area of Kostonay region.

His first collection of verses under the title “Тұңғыш кітап” (“First book”) was published in Almaty, 1964. In following years in Alma-Aty publishing houses poetic books of Nurgozha Oraz “Кім табады” (“Who will guess?”), “Шұғыла” (“Rainbow”) and “Қөңіл көктемі” (“Mood”) were published.

N. Oraz the first in the Kazakh Soviet poetry created artistic images of Heroes of Socialist Work of L. M. Kartauzov in the poem “Тың түлегі” (“The guy from a virgin soil”), and the image of N. Malgazhdarov in the poem “Қырандар ұясы” (“An eagle nest”). 50-year anniversary of the poet was marked by release of the work "Тың ырғақтары" ("Virgin tunes") where along with the verses and poems published earlier also entered new creations. Subsequently poetic books “От кешкен балалық” (“The childhood singed by fire”) were issued. Books “Достар хаты” (“Letters of the friend”), the first serious attempt at writing in this genre which came out in 1968, “Жауқазын шақ” (“Youth is similar to a snowdrop”, 1980), “Таңдау” (“Choice”, 1984). He proved himself in dramatic art. His plays “Қиядағы қақтығыс” (“Collision in a distance”) and “Армысың, таңым” (“Hi, my dawn”) testified it. Nurgozha Oraz gained fame in Kazakhstan as the publicist, the master of a documentary genre. This side of his talent was imprinted in the book of documentary prose “Дала демі” (“Breath of the steppe”).

Since fall of 1990 he became the founder and the editor-in-chief of the regional literary and art, political magazine “Сарыарқа” (“Saryarka”).