Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Aitbayev Omirzak

Aitbayev Omirzak

Aitbayev Omirzak

Omirzak Aitbayev was born on April 5, 1936 in village Baltakol of Otyrar area, South Kazakhstan area. Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Philology (1992), corresponding member of Science Academy of Kazakhstan (1994), academician of Academy of social sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997).


He graduated from Kazakh Humanitarian University in 1959. Since 1989 he was vice-president of the International society “Қазақ тілі” (“Kazakh language”). The main direction of research works of Umirzak Aitbayev are questions of a lexicology and terminology of the Kazakh language.


His works:

1. Аудармадағы фразеологиялық кұбылыс. (Phraseological units in translation)

2. Қазақ терминологиясынын дамуы мен қалынтасуы. (Development of Kazakh terminology)

3. Терминдер және олардың аудармалары. (Terminology and their translations)

4. Қазақ сөзі. (Kazakh word).