Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Ustinov Albert

Ustinov Albert

Ustinov Albert

Albert Alexandrovich Ustinov was born in 1932 in Pavlodar region. He graduated from Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov, philology faculty. He is the member of Communistic Party of Soviet Union.

He worked as the teacher of Russian language and literature at high school, the first secretary of areal and regional committee of Lenin communistic union of youth (LCUY) of Kazakhstan, the secretary of the Central Committee of LCUY. Nowadays he is at responsible party work. Since 1965 to 1968 he studied in Academy of social sciences at the Central Committee of CPSU. Candidate of Philology.

He was engaged in literary creativity in student's years — published verses and critiques in the university factory newspaper, newspaper “Ленинская смена” (“Leninskaya smena”), then in the Pavlodar regional newspaper. In publishing house “Kazakhstan” his brochures of publicistic character have been issued.

Since 1965 mainly works in critics, dealing with actual problems of modern literary process. His books: “Твой эстетический идеал” (“Your Aesthetic Ideal”, 1967), “Идеал. Герой. Правда” (“Ideal. Hero. Truth.”, 1969), “Видеть красоту” (“To see beauty”, 1974), “Море в капле” (“The sea in a drop”, 1975), “Новый человек: идеал и реальность” (“The new person: an ideal and reality”, 1978) and also articles in republican and central press.

He was conferred an award of the Literary Review magazine for 1977.

He was awarded with “The sign of honor”, the Orders of Friendship of the people and medals of the USSR.