Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Syzdykov Niyaz

Syzdykov Niyaz

Syzdykov Niyaz

Niyaz Salikovich Syzdykov (25.10.1925 – 04.06.2000) – honored worker of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, writer-translator, journalist, party figure. He was born in village “Enbek” Lenin area of North Kazakhstan region. Father – Salyk Syzdykov, mother – Syzdykova Meruert.

· September, 1932 – June, 1942 – Enbek’s high school in Lenin area, North Kazakhstan region.

· November, 1942 – November, 1943 – the accountant of collective farm of “Enbek” in Lenin district, North Kazakhstan region.

· November, 1943 – December, 1944 – the sniper of the 118th spare regiment of the 32nd shooting division, Alma-Ata.

· December, 1944 – April, 1945 – the commander of office of the 89th spare shooting regiment of the 32nd shooting division, Alma-Ata.

· April, 1945 – November, 1945 – the cadet of Military and infantry school. Mary, Turkmenistan.

· November, 1945 - June, 1946 – the senior clerk 2304 howitzer artillery regiments and 923 artillery regiments of the 357th shooting division

· June, 1946 –February, 1948 – the literary employee of department of party life of newspaper editorial office “Ленин Туы” (“Lenin’s flag”). Petropavlovsk, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

· February, 1948 – September, 1952 – the manager industrially - transport department, the manager of party department, the deputy editor of the newspaper “Ленин Туы” (“Lenin’s flag”). Petropavlovsk, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

· September, 1952 – May, 1953 – the student of the Higher party school at the Central Committee of CPSU, Moscow.

· September, 1953 – February, 1954 – the student of philosophical faculty of the Kazakh state university, Alma-Ata.

· February, 1954 – summer, 1959 – graduated from faculty of journalism of a correspondence department of Kazakh humanitarian university, Alma-Ata.

· February, 1954 – June, 1955 - the translator of KAZTAG at Council of ministers of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Alma-Ata.

· June, 1955 – July, 1959 - the responsible secretary of “Советтик Жетысу” (“Sovettik Zhetysu”) newspaper editorial office. Taldy-Kurgan.

· July, 1959 –September, 1962 – the responsible secretary of “Коммунизм таны” (“Communism Tany”) newspaper editorial office. Alma-Ata.

· September, 1962 – July, 1965 – the instructor of department of promotion and propaganda of the Central Committee of CP of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata.

· July, 1965 – June, 1968 – the manager of sector of the press of promotion department and propaganda of the Central Committee of CP of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata.

· June, 1968 – March, 1970 – the director of republican broadcasting and a sound recording house. Alma-Ata.

· March, 1970 – December, 1970 – the head of department of republican broadcasting of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. Alma-Ata.

· January, 1971 – October, 1972 – the manager of edition of geography of the Main edition of the Kazakh Soviet encyclopedia. Alma-Ata.

· October, 1972 – July, 1986 - the manager of scientific edition of the Main edition according to the edition of complete works of V. I. Lenin in Kazakh Institute of history of party at the Central Committee of CP of Kazakhstan – branch of Institute of Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of CPSU. Alma-Ata.

· August, 1986 – March, 2000 - the pensioner “For special merits in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (the merit pensioner of republican value).

Niyaz Salikovich Syzdykov translated from Russian into Kazakh works of world, Russian and Soviet fiction. He is the author of the translations of a number of articles on the fine arts of Kazakhstan, about three tens articles of the 12-volume Kazakh Soviet encyclopedia, terms of the Russian-Kazakh polytechnical explanatory dictionary, the textbook for “HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS”, the author of the translations of works of V. I. Lenin, the editor of “Complete works of V. I. Lenin” in 55 volumes in Kazakh.