Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Ashimkhanov Didakhmet

Ashimkhanov Didakhmet

Ashimkhanov Didakhmet

Ashimkhanov Didakhmet was born on June 10, 1950 in Katon-Karagai area, East Kazakhstan region. Graduated from Kazakh state university named after Al-Farabi, journalist faculty in 1978. He worked in newspapers: “Коммунизм туы” (“Communism tuy”), “Лениншіл жас” (“Leninshil zhas”), “Қазақстан пионері” (“Kazakhstan pioneri”), “Түркістан” (“Turkistan”) and others.


Didakhmet Ashimkhanov translated into Kazakh works of popular foreign and Soviet writers: John Galsworthy, Jack London, Evgeny Schwartz, Anatoly Kurchatkin, Akhmetzhan Ashirov, Hizmet Abdullin, Tufan Minullin, Andrey Lupan, Timur Pulatov, Purevzhavyn Purevsuren.


Didakhmet Ashimkhanov was a member of the Writers' Union and Union of journalists of Kazakhstan, became the prize-winner of a competition of the “Zhalyn” magazine twice, was a prize-winner of the international competition “Alash”.