Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kanatbayev Duisenbek

Kanatbayev Duisenbek

Kanatbayev Duisenbek

Kanatbayev Duisenbek Sadirbaevich was born in 1940 in village Sulmen, Turkmen SSR. In 1957 he graduated from Krasnovodsk medical school. He graduated from philological faculty of the Kazakh state university named after S. M. Kirov. He worked at republican television, the editor of “Zhazushy publishing” house. Now works at the “Kazakh movie” as the editor-in-chief of a film studio. Member of CPSU.

He is the author of poetic collections: “Простор” (“Scope”, 1967), “Начало пути” (“Начало пути”, 1968), “Порыв” (“Rush”, 1970), “Большая медведица” (“Big Dipper”, 1973), “Песня бегущей воды” (“The song of the running water”, 1975), “Тысяча и одна дорога” (“Thousand and one road”, 1977), “Полнолуние” (“Full moon”). He is known as the translator of sonnets of Petrarch, verses of Makhtumkuli.