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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Erzhanov Manarbek

Erzhanov Manarbek

Erzhanov Manarbek

Manarbek Erzhanov was born in area Karabulak of the Karaganda region. Karkaraly - this unique area – has given to the Kazakh culture such names as Amre and Zhusupbek, Estay, Cali and Kosymzhan.

The famous musician, kuyshi and the singer Kusenbay was Manarbek's teacher in singing. Amre Kashaubaev – “legend” of domestic culture became final art authority for future famous singer of kazakh tradition. Manarbek already in youth has seized all richness of singing tradition of Sary-Arka, perfectly sang songs of Birzhan-sal, Akan-seri, Zharylgapberdi, Yestai, Zhayau Musa and Shashubai.

Manarbek Erzhanov was one of the first actors of Kazakh drama (1928) and Kazakh musical (1934) - future opera theater (1937). He was the first “star” cast opera together with Kulyash and Kanabek Bayseitovs, Kurmanbek Dzhandarbekov, Amre Kashaubayev, Iza Bayzakov, Elyubayem Umurzakovym, Sergali Abzhanov, Uriya Turdykulova, Garifulla Kurmangaliyev. Shared one roles in national operas with Garifulla Kurmangaliyev, the role of Shege in the opera “Kyz-Zhibek”, Elemes in “Zhalbyr”, Sakhan in the opera “Er-Targyn”, Azim in the opera “Abay”, Estay in the opera “Birzhan and Sara”.

A specific place in Manarbek's creativity is held by the composition of his own works. Not incidentally he became one of the first members of the Union of composers of KAZSSR (1942). Being a performer of “arkin” songs, Manarbek in own composer creativity carries on and develops national traditions. At the same time, the modern era had press on Manarbek’s creativity work, they are rich with new rhythms and methods of development, new to the Kazakh music. Songs: “Паровоз” (“Engine”), “Куанамын” (“Kuanamyn”), “Жасасын” (“Zhasasyn”), “Шопан эни” (“Shopan ini”) and others.

Manarbek Erzhanov's contribution to the Kazakh Soviet musical culture has been highly appreciated by the state. He was given with the honorable title “People’s artist of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic”, awards of the Red star and “the Honor Sign” and government diplomas. And still the main award – national love and inescapable memory, infinite gratitude and worship of big talent of the remarkable singer and creator Manarbek Erzhanov.