Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kodar Auezkhan

Kodar Auezkhan

Kodar Auezkhan

Auezkhan Abdiramanovich Kodar was born on July 10, 1958 in Karmakchi area, Kyzylorda region. He finished high school with a gold medal in 1977. He graduated from Kazakh State University in 1982. From 1982 to 1985 he worked as the secretary of the commission on affairs of minors at Karmakchi district executive committee of the Kyzylorda Region. Since 1985 he published his works in republican newspapers as a poet and critic. In 1986 he becomes the winner of a festival of creative youth “Zhiger”. In 1988 he was accepted in members of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Since 1989 he worked as the editor of the Russian department of the Main editorial board of a literary translation and literary interrelations at the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan. Since 1994 – the president of association on ecology of culture of the people of Kazakhstan “Golden Age”. The organizer and the moderator of two large conferences which have played a noticeable role in culture of Kazakhstan: On September 9-10, 1997 – the international seminar devoted to M. O. Auezov's 100 anniversary “Cultural contexts of Kazakhstan: history and the present” and on June 19-20, 1999 - a round table: “Culture and mass media: interaction problems”. In 1998 he was awarded by the medal “Astana” for a contribution to the presentation of the new capital. In 1999 he has defended the master's thesis on philosophy.

Since 1999 he is the founder and editor-in-chief of the culturological magazine “Tamyr”. 32 issues of the “Tamyr” magazine in the Russian and Kazakh languages and one number – in English are published. From 1999 to 2000 – the board member of the international fund “Soros Kazakhstan”. Since 2001 – the academician of National Academy “Ekologiya”. In 2003-2004 he conducted an author's broadcast “Teleclub Tamyr” on “Habar” channel. From 2001 to 2006 – conducted TV program “Open Asia” prepared by the international organization “Internews-Kazakhstan”. From 2001 to 2005 – the senior research associate of institute of Oriental studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK. Since March, 2006 – the adviser of the Kazakhstan branch of the Russian fund “Institute of the Euroasian Researches”. In December, 2006 due to productive work on a state program “Cultural heritage” and “Parasat” he awarded the order. In 2007-2008 – the director of Institute of cultural policy and Art Studies of MCI of RK. Since September, 2008 – the research associate of RGP “Kazrestavration”. From 2010 to 2011 – on the channel “Шығыс пен Батыс” (“Shygys pen Batys”) of JSC Kazradio conducted broadcasts in Kazakh language, since January, 2012 – the winner of the international award of the Turkic world “Alash”.

Auezkhan Kodar is a bilingvist in real. He writes in the Russian and Kazakh languages as the poet, critic, publicist and the culturologist. He has made a huge contribution as the translator of the Kazakh national classics into Russian. He translated into Russian works of Abay, Shakarim, Magzhan Zhumabayev, Makhambet Utemisuly. Actively participated in a state program “Cultural heritage”, as a part of a 10-volume world culturological he translated into Kazakh 2 volumes of “Postmodernism and Culture” (2005).

The first poetic collection of A. Kodar “Крылатый узор” (“A winged pattern”) appeared in 1991 in “Zhalyn” publishing house. The following edition was in Kazakh language “Әуезхан Қодар. Қанағат қағанаты (өлеңдер және ойтолғаулар жинағы)” (“Auezkhan Kodar. Kanagat kaganaty (collection of verses and thoughts), Almaty, “Shabyt” publishing house, 1994. Further follow:

Hermeneutical collection “Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev. Favourites.” – Almaty, published in “Ana tili” publishing house,1996;

The collection of articles devoted to M. O. Auezov's 100 anniversary “Cultural contexts of Kazakhstan: history and the present”, - Almaty, published in “Credo”, 1998;

Poetic collection “Oblivion Circles” - Almaty, “Golden Age”, 1998;

Monograph “Sketches on Stories of the Kazakh Literature”. – Almaty, “Golden Age”, 1998;

Collection of articles “Culture and mass media: interaction problems”, Almaty, “Credo”, 1999;

The poetic collection in the English and Russian languages “Flowers of Ruins”, - Almaty, “Golden Age”, 2004;

Auezkhan Kodar. The Steppe Knowledge. Essays on Cultural Science. – Almaty: Ассоциация «Золотой век», 2005;

Magzhan Zhumabayev. East voice (Auezkhan Kodar's translation), Almaty, “Golden Age”, 2006. In the same 2006 there are three more books:

Auezkhan Kodar. Life call. – Almaty, publishing house “Taimas”;

Auezkhan Kodar. Oralu. – Almaty, publishing house “Taimas”.

The anthology of the Kazakh poetry in Auezkhan Kodar's translations. – Almaty, publishing house “Taimas”.