Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Abdrakhmanov Makhmut

Abdrakhmanov Makhmut

Abdrakhmanov Makhmut

Makhmut Abdrakhmanov was born in 1934 in village Tashkensaz of Alma-Ata region. In 1958 graduated from philology faculty of Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov. He worked as the literary employee of the Uigur newspaper “Kommunizm Tugi”. Now — the research associate of Academy of Sciences of KAZSSR.



M. Abdrakhmanov is known as the poet and the critic. His verses were published in the general collections of the Uigur poets, in 1967 his poetic collection “Songs of Heart” was published. M. Abdrakhmanov is the author of popular songs, the libretto to the opera Sadyr Palvan, the translations into the native language of works of the Russian and Kazakh poets. In Republican Uigur theater there are plays of his translation.



M. Abdrakhmanov works productively in the field of literary criticism. He is one of authors of the textbook on native literature for high school and “Sketches of history of the Uigur Soviet literature”. In 1977 his collection of literary critiques “On rise” was published.