Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Tokaev Kemel

Tokaev Kemel

Tokaev Kemel

Kemel Tokaev was born in 1923 in Karatal area of Taldy-Korgan region. He was a participant of Great Patriotic War. Graduated from Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov in 1948. He worked in editorial offices of newspapers as “Leninshil zhas”, “Kazakhstan penioneri”, “Socialistik Kazakhstan”, since 1966 to 1977 he worked as an editor-in-chief “Sheets of the Supreme Council of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic”. Nowadays works as a literary advisor of the Union of writers. The member of Communistic Party of Soviet Union. Productively worked in the genre of detective and adventure literature. He published nine collections of stories and tales: “Звездный поход” (“Star campaign”, 1954), “Поток” (“Stream”, 1958), “Думы о будущем” (“Thoughts about the future”, 1965), “Особое поручение” (“Special assignment”, 1968), “Ночной выстрел” (“Night shoot” in Kazakh and Russian languages – 1972, 1976), “Случай в саргаване” (“Case in sargavan”, 1975). The story “Меченое золото” (“Marked gold”) is included in the collective collection “Не жалея жизни” (“Without feeling sorry for life”) devoted to security officers Kazakhstan citizens (1977). In 1956, 1972, 1977, 1980 the works of Kemel Tokaev take the first places in various competitions, announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh Socialistic Soviet Republic and the Union of writer of Kazakhstan. K.Tokaev is the author of stories like “Кто преступник?” (“Who is the criminal?”), “Красный комиссар” (“Red commissioner”). He was awarded with the order of Patriotic War, the II grade, and numerous medals of USSR.