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Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Ormanov Gali

Ormanov Gali

Ormanov Gali

Gali Ormanov (on August 15, 1907 – September 15, 1978) – the Kazakh poet, writer, journalist, interpreter and the member the Union of writers of USSR.

Gali Ormanov was born in 1907 in Taldykorgan area of Almaty region. To study the diploma he could begin only after the October socialist revolution. He was trained at the elementary school which has just opened then on training courses at the Kazakh institute of education in Alma-Ata and, at last, at teacher training college named after Abay.

G. Ormanov worked in agency of national education and in editorial office of the republican newspaper. He was the literary secretary of the national akyn Jambyl, worked as the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine and publishing house of fiction of Kazakhstan, the secretary of board of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan.

Gali Ormanov located in the same row with classics of the Kazakh literature, and not incidentally his great contemporaries — Gabit Musrepov, Abdilda Tazhibayev, Gafu Kairbekov, Kalizhan Bekkozhin, Syrbay Maulenov, Tumangbai Moldagaliyev, Kadyr Myrza Ali and many others devoted him verses and articles. He was loved also by simple readers.

The pupil of orphanage, he has graduated from the Kazakh institute of national education, his literary biography has begun since then. Gali Ormanov cooperated with the Socialistic Kazakhstan newspaper, he was the editor-in-chief of the Literature and Art magazine. A specific place in his biography is held by work of the literary secretary of Zhambyl Zhabayev.

From the very beginning strength of his talent — shrill lyricism, bright emotionality, expressiveness of the poetic word was defined. Also the scope of his works — the historical past, military hard times, childhood memories, pleasure of a constructive labor is various. He translated Pushkin and Lermontov, Tolstoy and Gogol's composition, Chekhov and Yesenin, verses of the Latvian poet Yannis Raynis and Azerbaijanian Nizami Gyandzhevi.

The first book of him was published in 1934. Since then about twenty collections of poems, sketches and stories of the writer are published. Among them there are collections “Обруч” (“Hoop”), “Шаульдер” (“Shaulder”), “Буксир” (“Tow”), “Олжабек” (“Olzhabek”), “Покоренная крепость” (“The Subdued Fortress”), “Тайны подруг” (“Secrets of Girlfriends”), “Мать” (“Mother”), “Народ-богатырь” “Narod bogatyr”, “Дуб” (“Oak”), “Дастан жизни” (“Dastan Zhizni”), “Поток урожая” (“Harvest Stream”), “Глазами мысли” (“Thought eyes”), “Песня-волна” (“Song wave”), “В добрый путь” (“In a kind way”), “Сердце — гора” (“Heart — the mountain”), “Огненная река” (“The fiery river”) and others. In 1950 and 1961 the chosen works of G. Ormanov have been published as separate books.

Gali Ormanov's works are well-known to the all-Union reader — much they are translated into Russian and languages of other nations of the USSR.

The writer Gali Ormanov was awarded by medals of the Labour Red Banner, the Red Star, the 15 anniversary of Kazakhstan badge, Certificates of honor of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

He passed away in 1978 in Alma-Ata.