Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Khassenov Nurkenje

Khassenov Nurkenje

Khassenov Nurkenje

Nurkenje Bazarbaevich Khassenov was born in 1943 in farm Sholpan of Ayagoz area in Semipalatinsk region.

After finishing ten year school, he worked in his native farm. He graduated from Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov.

His first collection of verses under the name “Бушует море” (“Bushuet more”) was appeared in 1969 in publishing house “Жазушы” (“Zhazhushy”). Then his books “Горсть земли” (“Gorst zemli”, 1971) and “Прятки” (“Pryatki”, 1973) were published in the same publishing house. In 1978 the publishing house “Жалын” (“Zhalyn”) printed the fourth book of N. Khassenov “Ай-Тансык” (“Ai-Tansyk”). He translated into Kazakh works of Russian and foreign writers.