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Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Idrisov Kabdykarim

Idrisov Kabdykarim

Idrisov Kabdykarim

Kabdykarim Idrisov was born on August 27, 1928 in Krasnokut area of Pavlodar region. He is the famous Kazakh poet, interpreter and journalist. As well as all hiscounterparts, he begun working life early, in the years of war he worked in collective farm as the accountant, the weigher, the secretary of council. After war, he finished the Pavlodar normal school, and worked in editions of republican youth and literary editions and in “Zhazushy” publishing house

From fiftieth years he was often printed on pages of the republican press. His first collection of verses “Цветы жизни” (“Flowers of life”) appeared in 1955. Since then he has published more than 50 books among which “Иртышские волны” (“Irtysh waves”), “Бывают в жизни мгновения” (“Moments of life”), “Братья” (“Brothers”), “Шаги” (“Steps”), “Встреча в пути” (“The Meeting in way”), etc., given by the reader's and literary public a cordial welcome. The drama poem “Путь отца” (“Way of the Father”) spelling of high moral spirit and commitment, optimism and cheerfulness, continuity of heroic traditions of generations of the Soviet people became a considerable milestone in works of the poet. It has run into several editions in the native language, and has been translated into many languages of the world.

From 1964 to 1970 Kabdykarim Idrisov worked as the secretary of board of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, heading development of youth literature. He has also solved a lot of things in his destiny - heading later and being the first director of new publishing house “Жалын” (“Zhalyn”) he has created department which was called “the First book” where young talents with great expectations began to come to receive a creative start in life. For this reason today many famous poets and writers consider him as the literary father. Among them there are Iranbek Gaiyp, Nurlan Orazalin, etc.

K. Idrisov one of favorite poets of the Kazakh children, his best verses are included in textbooks of initial classes of the Kazakh schools and the program of preschool child care facilities.

In Russian in the Moscow publishing houses there were his books “Трепет души” (“Awe of Soul”), “Дай руку, друг” (“Give me Hand, Friend”), “Я расту” (“I Grow”), “Школьный двор и вся страна” (“Schoolyard and All Country”), “Добрые сердца” (“Kind Hearts”). His separate works were published in federal republics and abroad.

The poet repeatedly was in creative business trips abroad. Result of a trip on Egypt, Lebanon and Syria is the book of verses “Привет тебе, Арабстан” (“Hi to you, Arabstan”).

He was the master of a literary translation. His feather possesses the translations of many verses of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Hikmet, S. Marshak, N. Tikhonov, K. Khetagurov, T. Shevchenko, A. Bartho, S. Mikhalkov, the novel “Trunk” of Oles Gonchar, dramas “Bernarda Alba's House” of García Lorca and some other works of foreign authors.

Many verses have been set to music, having given to the musical catalog of Kazakhstan unforgettable and eternal songs which sound from a scene “Кайдасындар, достарым” (“Kaidasyndar, dostarym?”), “Баян-ауыл баурайында” (“Bayan-auyl bauraiynda”), “Казакстаным меним” (“Kazakhstanym menim”), “Келшы, келшы, балашым” (“Kelshi, kelshi, balashym”) and others.

Kabdykarim Idrisov died on November 22, 1978 and was buried on the Kensay cemetery in Almaty.