Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Tokmagambetov Askar

Tokmagambetov Askar

Tokmagambetov Askar

Askar Tokmagambetov was born in 1905 in Kyzyl-Orda region. In 1924 entered in Tashkent poly-technical college, but soon started his journalistic career. He cooperated in editorial offices of “Leninshil Zhas” and “Socialistik Kazakhstan” newspapers. After the termination of publishing institute in Moscow he worked as the head of department in the “Socialistik Kazakhstan” newspaper and the editor of the “Kazakh Adebieti” newspaper. For a number of years he was a consultant of the Kyzyl-Orda regional office of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan. Member of CPSU.

The first book of verses of A. Tokmagambetov “Песни труда” (“A song of work”) appeared in 1928. Author of poetic collections “Чистота и воспитание” (“Purity and Education”), “На великом фронте” (“On the Great Front”), “Стройка” (“Building”), poems “Весна агронома” (“Spring of the Agronomist”) and “Каскелен” (“Kaskelen”), plays “Два закона” (“Two Laws”), etc. He published the collection of verses and fables “Летят журавли” (“The Cranes Are Flying”, 1965).

He was repeatedly elected as the deputy of the Kyzyl-Orda regional council of deputies of workers, the Honorable citizen of Kzyl-Orda and a member of the Kyzyl-Orda regional committee of Communistic Party of Kazakhstan.

A. Tokmagambetov was awarded by three awards. Labor Red Banner, Patriotic war of the I degree, award of October Revolution and medals. Has several Certificates of honor of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.