Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Tabyldiev Adibai

Tabyldiev Adibai

Tabyldiev Adibai

Adibai Tabyldiev was born in 1926 in village Zhanaturmys of Dzhambyl region. He graduated Kazakh pedagogic institute named after Abai. Candidate of pedagogical sciences. Now works as the manager of edition of language and literature of the Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia. Member of CPSU.

The author of poetic books for children: “Слово малышам” (“The word to kids”, 1959), “Я — паровоз” (“I am the engine”, 1960), “Силач” (“Athlete”, 1961), “Кукуруза-королева и царь-горох” (“Corn queen and the tsar peas”, 1963), “Чудесный сад” (“A wonderful garden”, 1966), “Строители” (“Builders”, 1968), “Атымтай” (“Atymtai”, 1970), “Цветы и плоды” (“Flowers and fruits”, 1972) collection of plays and performances “Веселые вечера” (“Cheerful evenings”, 1972). In 1978 he published the collection of satirical stories sketches “Легко ли пасти овец” (“Whether It Is Easy for Shepherd”).

He was awarded with the medal “For Valorous Work” and the Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. Adibai even had soundtracks of Christian songs and worked with them.