Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Shamiuly Masimzhan

Shamiuly Masimzhan

Shamiuly Masimzhan

Masimzhan Shamiuly Zulfikarov was born on 7 November 1925 in Shelek district Almata oblast. In 1961 he graduated from Kazakh Pedagogic Institute named after Abay, Faculty of History and Literature.


He worked as the director at the Uigur school named after A. Rozybakiev, counselor at the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan. In 1985 he became a pensioner.


He worked in the sphere of poetry, prose and dramaturgy. He was awarded the medal “Enbek ardageri” and the Certificate of the Supreme Council.


His works:

—        Tan syrlary. Dastan. Kazadeb-korkem baspasy, 1958,

—        Kommunar. Dastan. Kazadeb-korkem baspasy, 1960;

—        Rizvangul. Dastans and poems. Kazadeb-korkem baspasy, 1962;   

—        Kuz ornekteri. Collection of poems. “Zhazushy”, 1980;

—        Buralan zholdar. Dastan, poems. “Zhazushy”, 1993;

—        Omir agymy. Tale, stories. “Zhazushy”, 1973;

—        Suispenshilik. Tale, stories. “Zhazushy”, 1980;

—        Tagdyr. Tale. “Arzu”, 1994;

—        Zhurek tynysy. Tale. “Komtugi”,1986;

—        Lutpulla. Novel. “Zhazushy”, 1969;

—        Naizagai zharkyly.


 Tale, stories:

—        “Zhalyn”, 1979;

—        Omir aqymy. Selected tales, stories. “Zhazushy”, 1976;

—        Children’s folklore. Scientific literature. “Mektep”, 1988;

—        Zhanar tau. Novel-trilogy. Book 1. “Zhazushy”, 1985;

—        Zhanar tau. Novel-trilogy. Book 2. “Kazakstan”, 1994;

—        Zhanar tau. Novel-trilogy. Book 3. “Zhazushy”, 1995;

—        Volcano (in Russian). Novel. “Zhazushy”, 1990;

—        National traditions. “Kalalyk bilim baskarmasy”, 1993;

—        Sagym at. “Astana”, 2001;

—        Zhasynyn zharkyly (in Russian) “Zhalyn”, 1979;

—        Sadakhan, Mashrap (entertainement). Video film. 1990.