Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Galymkair MUTANOV

Galymkair MUTANOV

Galymkair (Galym) Mutanov is a prominent scientist, talented teacher, organizer of higher education, rector of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Honored Figure of Science and Technology of Republic of Kazakhstan, academician. He was born in rural teachers family. After graduation at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, he worked as an Assistant to the Rudny Industrial Institute. He had two years of scientific internship at MISIS, Moscow. Studied postgraduate and doctoral degrees at the Department of Automated Control Systems of the Moscow State Mining University. The title of scientific research theses is devoted to The Theory and Practice of Automation of Control of Technological Processes, using elements of Artificial Intelligence.


Rector of the North Kazakhstan State University (NKSU) named after M. Kozybaev (1995-2002). First Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2002-2003). Rector of East Kazakhstan State Technical University (EKSTU) named after D. Serikbaev (2003-2010).




Rector of al-Farabi Kazakh National University (al-Farabi KazNU) (2010-to present). See:


Mutanov heads a scientific school, he trained three doctors of science, three doctors Ph.D and more than 40 candidates of science. The author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 20 monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, the owner of more than 50 patents and inventions, including foreign inventions. Vice President, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


His work is awarded with high Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the Order of “Barys” of the 3rd degree, the Order of “Parasat”, and state awards of foreign countries: the Order of the “Academic Palm Branch” (France), the Order of the Republic of Poland “The Cavalier Cross”, the Order of the CIS, prestigious awards for high scientific achievements: the Medal “For outstanding achievements in science and innovations” of the Higher Engineering Institute of Lisbon; The Gold Medal “For outstanding merits in the field of education and science”  of the IASH, International Awards: “For contribution to the development of the Turkish World”; in the field of Science and Technology ISESCO in Mathematics; “Name in Science” (Oxford); named after M. Sklodowska-Curie Award; Named after M.V. Lomonosov Award.


Member of the World Academy of Arts and Science (WAAS). In literary circles Galym Mutanov is known for his philosophical poetry, which is distinguished by wise leisure and oriental colors. His works are willingly translated and published abroad: an English, Turkish, Russian, Farsi, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani etc.,


The geography of positive responses is wide: from Eurasia to Canada and the USA. The well-known Kazakh poet, playwright, translator, Founder of the International Club «Abai», publisher Rollan Seisenbaev states: «The famous poets of the East were also mathematicians, astronomers, geographers and historians. The famous German poet Goethe adored oriental poetics. Poems of Galymkair inspired by works of Abai. Being an oriental procreation, they are also distinguished by mathematical precision. Owing to this, the author is able to express profound thoughts. His poetry is permeated with high humanism. Galym's works are moved by honor and dignity. After all, only a great citizen and poet can be a successor and conductor of honor and dignity in the minds of people».


President of the International Academy of Literature and Arts of Ukraine S. Dzyuba writes: «Kazakh poet Galymkair Mutanov is not only an interesting and gifted creative personality, but also a very original, distinctive philosopher. His poems are heartfelt, amazing, unobtrusive. These are memories, reflections, advice of a truly wise and uncommon person. Not trivial and not vain, but really bright, with deep philosophical associations». I agree with him a poet, literary critic V. Slapchuk «Galymkair Mutanov very worthy continues the tradition of the Oriental Philosophical Poetry, develops it in a modern style, wisely combining beautiful - and useful, rational - the irrational. For his creativity is a desire not for a momentary capricious fashion, whim and profit, but accommodation for eternity».


The glow of truth and good warms the circle of numerous admirers and admirers of his works. James Petrick, Ph.D., Ohio State University (USA), gives a review of G.Mutanov's collection of poems «The Shining Light» (2017) See:, remained under the great impression:


«The voice of Galym Mutanov is deeply Kazakh and deeply human, his poems are consonant with Abai's creativity in depth and asceticism in expressing both Kazakh culture and universal themes of human experience and experiences. I know that I will return to this book again and again, especially when my soul needs to be recharged. I enthusiastically recommend that everyone to read it».


In the opinion of independent experts, the work of G.M. Mutanov refers to modern and postmodern poetry. In many languages of the world, the poet's work from the country of the descendants of «Eurasian nomads» has acquired an independent orbit and reflects the light of the soul of the author seeking answers to the eternal questions of life: «Ainalandy nurlandyr» (2014-2016), «Al-Farabi and Modernity» (2014), «The Shining Light» (2015), «Zamanin Ruhuyla söyleşi» (Turkey, 2015, 2016), «Nur'a boya dünya'yı» (Azerbaijan, 2016), «The Ark of the Hour» (Ukraine, 2017), «The Shining Light» (Great Britain, 2017).


Mutanov’s Poetry collections awarded prestigious international literary Awards: the napes of Hemingway, Gogol, Makhtumkuli, M. Kashgari, Y. Balasaguni, G. Skovoroda, L.Ukrainka, etc. More than a ten of his poems by the famous composer V. Pitertsev are transferred to notes and sound in video clips.


For more information, see the following websites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and others.