Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
“A day in the life”



“A day in the life”

“A day in the life”

Chapter 1

-Take a sit please! – a  man said, giving place to a young woman. 
-Thank you, but I will stand – she answered in affirmative way.

His face immediately changed. He sadly looked down to his walking stick. A tall young man in the prime of his life had a smooth-shaven bristle and brown eyes. He did not be miffed at the rudeness and unconsciously hastened back to the past, which during a long period of time had been showing itself like a present…

He hadn’t family but probably he had a strong feeling to have children and beloved wife. His working career begun from school days. While his classmates had been running on the wave of knowledge, a boy started to practice himself in  the board games and helped to his aunt in her shop. Studies at the faculty of history again had tired him with chess and captured his closet with merited titles. At least it seemed so but…

Mark Welton had been  sitting so, looking to the window of the public transport till his last point of destination. 
-Where is my meaning? In black and white tones with wooden dolls? – he asked himself. Halo effect had been turned automatically.  He seems intellectual for surrounding due to his blond locks on the head and clothes with tucks. 

The pictures on the other side had been moved and changed, making a puzzle but his marble walking stick stayed the same near his hand (The Central  park, popstands, sunny day were on the background). 

-When I met her I was 22. She moved with the help of stick so smoothly like swans in water. 
-Was it in the park? – he asked himself. 
-Yes, it was our Central! Donna Banks was standing there and was in white. As usual I was late and had forgot to fasten my shoelaces, that made my face be blushed while I was going toward the horizon. My classmate was telling me something but my ears were full of water, so I only had to watch the movements of her lips and stare into her eyes. Suddenly the girl had stopped and said: “We can ride on a merry-go— we go”.

-“I love highness! It flushes with sincere anxiety, easiness, and also with bravery and adrenalin”, - added Banks. 
-“You are funny”, - I repeated again and again, filling my heart with great feelings and at the same time pushing it away. And when I went back home I even hadn’t no clue that I could lose her like a thing which might be found a substitute for the rest of the life, leaving only  warm memories…

-“Excuse me, sir. Your bus station is next”,- said a busman.
-“Thank you”, - said Mark.

Welton was going leisurely with one hand leaning on the stick with the whole weight and at the same time correcting his motions. Different types of concession stands, small shops and the market were located in front of him. After a few steps he had stopped to take a breath. On the left hand side rosebuds blossom from pale pink to bright blue tone color. On the right side it smells with a flavor of fresh oranges. 

-“I wish I would buy everything for her if only our hands would be touched again’, - whispered man and went on..
-“Patties, hot cakes! Come and taste it! – the buyers were screaming from the every corners as some time ago he was doing the same.

“Anyway only Donna could bake  the sweetest patties ever with a crisp crust and fresh odor”-repeated Mark again..”she could”.
A monologue itself is the best drug for mind. Endless thoughts about day, week, year come to your mind again and again. Some people call it a wisdom, half – life experience and other think that it is foolishness. 

A man preferred a warm memories instead of hot cakes. The chess king couldn’t find substitution in his life. He claimed that love was an ability not to sick, even not to draw a parallel but to accept your person totally even with a stick.
-“How can you venture to say about thruth? ”-asked a young lady somebody on the phone.

-“Obviously it's her boyfriend”-thought  Mark.
  To hold true to somebody is a choice. It is a choice to be true to oneself, to word, to love, to duty, to Person. Not everybody can be able to understand its meaningfulness. A young woman was going on to say  irritable reproaches while she was buying cakes.
-“It seems to me I also don’t want hot cakes now”

-“She is unhappy”-I keep going on. “And nobody isn’t guilty. Now a lot of women have the same problem. What is more they are single. And none of them can admit it, just will find a mass of excuses but won’t except this. 
My Donna absolutely  doesn’t belong to this type of women. All of them are  like berries but being not ripened…they gnaw others and fall they self..

She is so afraid of being tickled! I remember as jingly Banks was embarrassed, then she smiled and finally she burst out laughing. It was so sincere and kind-hearted. And he just had to stand by her   and become like one duo. 

-“You are funny”, - I repeated again and again, filling my heart with great feelings and at the same time pushing it away. And when I went back home I even hadn’t no clue that I could lose her like a thing which might be found a substitute for the rest of the life, leaving only  warm memories…
The bench in the park was getting hot from  precious gems she was looking at me by. If it will be a girl she must inherit these beautiful eyes. After the first kiss,  worry about “burning’’ and  thought about “freeze burn” are   disappeared.

-“Look up on the sky! I wish this clear and blue coverlet would always cover us – whispered Banks.
-“It would cover! And I want that the whole universe will conduce our meetings – affirmatively said Welton.  A couple was sitting on the green grass and was looking on the sky. 

After little rest Mark directed his way to home. Children’s playground with happy laughs makes him stop. 
Today it is a generous autumn. Spread leaves are turned into herbarium, white flues into snowman and the thoughts are come into feelings..- he though and sat on the bench.

-“Hey bother, give me some points to buy a bread, please- a stranger asked him.
-“Here you are!”- holding out  a hand said the chesser.
-“Thank you, kind man!”- exclaimed  the loafer, hiding to the side street as fast as his sourish smell. 
-“You are funny”-repeated I and my eyes full with tears. “My tears are warm as summer rain. Bur after the rain rainbow always turn out. And after my it seems to me you won’t unlikely smile”-said Welton.
White double walls, waffle towels and open window – all of these seem to a hospital. There is no bright colors, not even a flower on the pot…(there is bedside table in the room).
-”Everything will be ok”-Donna whispered and smiled.
Maybe she remembered my tickles again- I thought. The woman hugged Mark. By the way it happens always so he to bring back to normal his breath. 

During morning procedures Banks unknowingly became a witness the conversation of patients from another hospital rooms. “Disabled people were communicating with emotions. The man knocked on his chest, showing a heart with his arms. A lady in a white gown waved off with palms. 
In a minute se was carried out to the up floor. He nervously rushed to the TV. I read their glances , not take attention  to the gestures. Eyes are excellent interpreters of words. And you know what? (she took a deep breathe) It was so great  highness and love. I miss” – she continued. 

-“You are funny” – repeated Welton, filling his heart with great feelings and at the same time pushing it away.

Many years have passed since the chess king hadn’t seen his sewer. The hospital being  their romance wrecker took her away to the horizon and then to the  uncertainty. 

Chapter 2

It’s early morning. The motor ship with tourists on the boat was riding on the Mediterranean sea. Shouts of white sea gulls made guests get up earlier and hurry up to breakfast. 

Meanwhile tall woman with bright eyes with carefully gathered hair went to the window. One moment later she turned out in front of mirror in order to see reflection of her sea. The sea which was so bright and beautiful. When her curls and make up were fixed, she only had to pick up evening swatches of texture and cover sewing machine with water proof coverlet. 

“Donna Banks, let me  please, guide you to the deck”- knocking to the door, asked Lewis.
-“Of course!”-she said.
The door without violin. Tight floor-length dress followed to its mistress, hiding defects of her walk.

Lewis is a worker of one of the known tourist company, who accompanies her on ceremonies and journeys. Numerous orders for cloth making up from the whole world make madam switch off the injures and develop abilities. 
-What’s a beauty! I wish to get a dip into it..but the prosthesis”- a lady whispered, going forward to the sea. She sorrowfully looked down to her legs.

-“Donna Banks, don’t be worry, please! You will get a chance take a dip into the sea, and not only one”-affirmatively said  Lewis. Frankly saying, I do not want to take so great responsibility to this moment. Rain is coming and wind is not so pleasant..( on the sea background).

-“Let’s go to drink tea, it is getting cold!”- a sewer said in a commanding tone. 
The table for guests was made of wood in a form of different figures as the cabs for living. V-shaped and round corners with imagine of star made a bigger mystery to the ship and the flying curtains powdered mood to the strangers. 
-“Have a nice meal, Lewis!” – claimed the woman. 
-“You too, Donna Banks!”- he replied.
-“What do you know about that fire in Turbags?” – she asked.
-“Nothing yet..”- Lewis said.

Donna's childhood passed in a small town in Turbags, and studentship in the capital. From early childhood the girl loaded with labouris trains in a hope that she would be a ballet dancer. But colourful fetters found their destination. 

“As fate would have it, people are pieces in their lives and instead of desired they get me”-Banks said. Twenty year ago fire took away hundreds of souls, including loved ones of Donna. After received burns she entered the department of history and kept living at neighbors, meeting with Mark and..(pasteurization of described)
She was standing at the sea and was looking far away as she missed her motherland and remembered past, which during a long period of time had been showing itself like a present…
-“I miss marry-go-round”-whispered Banks. Tears were fallen down from the banks of her eyes, rounded tomato cheeks.
 -“Look up on the sky! I wish this clear and blue coverlet would always cover us – whispered Banks.
-“It would cover! And I want that the whole universe will conduce our meetings – affirmatively said Welton.  A couple was sitting on the green grass and was looking on the sky. 

Carriage of memories about the hospital, double walls, waffle towels, conjunctions and house for disabled people doesn’t let go the mistress not for a minute. Action diverts but feelings are followed…and the stronger they are the closest meeting…

Chapter 3

-“Good morning, Missis Banks, you are amazing! Your inspiration fulfills the space of the ship and my heart”-the stranger whispered. 
-“let’s sit down and talk?”-the man went on.

-“Thank you, but I will stand!”- Donna replied worriedly, trying to stand aside.
“I have a lot of work, I need to come back..”- the sewer said. 

A tall young man in the prime of his life has a smooth-shaven bristle and brown eyes. He did not be miffed at the rudeness and unconsciously hastened back to the past, which during a long period of time has been showing itself like a present…
-“Donna, do you remember the Central Park, marry-go-round?” – asked Welton keeping a conversation.
-“No, I don’t..”- hurried Banks.
-“My name is Mark Welton. I am a founder of famous tourist company and author of the ship, on which we are sinking in feelings. At last I returned you your thing”- he was going on. 

A marble stick made the mistress smile and change her look. Maybe to her life, who knows. My ears again  were full of water, so I only had to watch the movements of her lips and stare into her eyes.

“If it will be a girl she must inherit these beautiful eyes”-coming closer said Mark.

Donna Banks was embarrassed, then she smiled and finally she burst out laughing. It was so sincere and kind-hearted. And he just had to stand by her   and become like one duo.

-“You are funny” – repeated Welton, filling his heart with great feelings and at the same time pushing it away. The chess king couldn’t find substitution in his life. He claimed that love was an ability not to sick, even not to draw a parallel but to accept your person totally even with a stick.
“You are the meaning of my life…”

-“Everything will be ok!”- whispered Donna Banks and smiled. “Maybe she remembered my tickles” – he though. The woman hugged Mark Welton. As usual in order to normalize his breathe. And then they walked to the sea.

-“What’s a beauty! I want to dip down..”
-“We will..”

 Author Asemgul Khamzina. Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Перевод текста на английский язык: Айжан Байшагирова

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