Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
10 interesting facts about Kazakh writer and poet ...

24.03.2017 4047

10 interesting facts about Kazakh writer and poet Rafael Niyazbekov - the only man, wrote the truth about the tragic events of the Chechen War for Independence

10 interesting facts about Kazakh writer and poet Rafael Niyazbekov - the only man, wrote the truth about the tragic events of the Chechen War for Independence -

1. Rafael Niyazbekov - was born on March 24, 1943, in the village of Tamabaek, Talas district of the Dzhambul region.

2. After graduating from high school in 1961, I got a job in the Talas district newspaper "The Way of Lenin".

3. In 1967 he worked on the Kazakh radio in a literary edition, in 1971 - 1977gg. In the journal Zvezda.

4. In 1978 he graduated from the Philological Faculty of Kazakh State University. named after S. M. Kirov.

5. From 1977 to the present - the editor of the publishing house "Zhazushy".

7. He published poetry collections: "Waiting for my day" -1969, "Alatau and Karatau" - 1971, "The Polar Star" - 1973, "Through the Fire" - 1975, "The Face of the Earth -1977, " Pride " -1980.

8. He translated the poems of M. Rumyantseva, A. Chepurov, K. Tuyorsky and other poets of our country into Kazakh.

9. In 2013 he was awarded a state scholarship in the field of culture. Collections of novellas and stories: "The Elder in the House" (1978), "Severe cold " (1981).

10. Rafael Niyazbekov - the only man, wrote the truth about the tragic events of the Chechen War for Independence in his novel - "Hazavat", For the first time, the Chechen tragedy was touched upon by the poet in his extensive poem "Ichkeria" consisting of 200 poems: "The Watchword of Johar", "The Moan of Shamil", "Letter to the General", "Russian Soldier", "Song of the Doomed Warriors", "Heart of the Caucasus" "Voice of the Cemetery" ... For it, he was awarded the State Prize of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and the Order “Къоман сий”("Kioman Siy") - "Honor of the Nation", made of gold, silver and platinum with ruby ​​inclusions. The honorable awards to the Kazakh poet were handed to the President of the Chechen Republic Aslan Maskhadov.
The grateful Chechen people also presented their guest with a burka and a symbol of protection of honor and dignity - a dagger!


Қазақ әдебиеті. Энциклопедиялық анықтамалық. — Алматы: «Аруна Ltd.» ЖШС, 2010 жыл.ISBN 9965-26-096-6
Жоғарыға көтеріліңіз ↑ Қазақстан жазушылары: Анықтамалық/Құрастырушы: Қамшыгер Саят, Жұмашева Қайырниса - Алматы: «Аң арыс» баспасы, 2009 жыл - Literary Portal

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