Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Alimkulov Taken

Alimkulov Taken

Alimkulov Taken
Taken (Tanibergen) Alimkulov was born in 1918 in the Suzak region of the Chimkent area. Labor life began in 14 years as the timekeeper in collective farm. He started to be engaged in literary activity in the first post-war years. In 1945 graduated from Gorkiy Literary institute. From 1956 to 1971 worked as the adviser of the secretariat of board of USSR Union of Writers for the Kazakh and Kirghiz literatures. Taken Alimkulov was on creative work for a long time, was a member of CPSU.
In 1958 in «Soviet writer» publishing house the first book of Taken Alimkulov «About the past and the present» — literary and critical research went out. Studying of the creative life of Abay made a basis of this book and has development in his research published in 1972 «The person with a riddle» (Chelovek s zagadkoi).
Taken Alimkulov  is the author of poetic collections The road (Doroga) (1950), «A summer rain» (Letniy dozhd) (1967), Ambler (Inokhodec) (1969) and prose books «White horse» (Belyi kon) (1962), «Seytek's Melody» (Melodiya seiteka) (1968), «In a native aul» (V rodnom aule) (1968), «The brown river» (Korichnevaya reka) (1971), «A gray hawk» (Seryi yastreb) (1972), Kertolgau (1973), «All life ahead» (Vsya zhizn vperedi) (1974), «Destiny of racers» (Sudba skakunov) (1975), «Exorcised the steppe» (Step zagovorila) (1976), «Musical soul» (Muzykalnaya dusha) (1977).