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10 interesting facts about Ukrainian poet Yuri Pet...

17.03.2017 3564

10 interesting facts about Ukrainian poet Yuri Petrovich Dold-Mikhaylik

10 interesting facts about Ukrainian poet Yuri Petrovich Dold-Mikhaylik -

1. Yuri Petrovich Dold-Mikhaylik - Ukrainian Soviet writer, playwright, critic, publicist. Was born on March 17, 1903, the village Butenki Poltava region - died May 17, 1966, Kiev

2. He graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Public Education. He worked in the newspapers of Kherson and Vinnitsa cities.

3. In 1934-1935 he was the chief editor of the Ukrainian film-studio Newsreel, 1936-1937 - head of the "Chronicles", since 1937 he lived in Kiev on the street of Saksagansky 24; 1937-1942 - editor in chief of the Kiev studio of feature films.

4. Later he was the head of the theatrical department of the Directorate for Cultural Affairs of the Turkmen Soviet Socialistic Republic. After the war he worked in the newspaper "Radianska Ukraina", on publishing work.

5. Has started to be printed since 1922. He gained fame thanks to the adventure novel "І один у полі воїн"(Even one person is the warrior in the field) (1956), translated into many foreign languages, which describes the feat of Soviet intelligence officers in the German rear during the Great Patriotic War(Second World War). Under the novel the film "Away from the Motherland" on film studio of a name of Dovzhenko under the script written by J.Dold-Mihajlikom is removed. His continuation - the novel "У чорних лицарів" (From the Black Knights) (1964).

6. Member of the Union of Writers of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics since the year 1939.

7. Books(collections of essays and short stories, novels, tales) of the Yuri Petrovich Dold-Mikhaylik - «Між двома батьківщинами» (1930)(Between the two motherlands); «Колгоспні люди» (1931)(The collective farm people); «Жіночі портрети» (1934)(Women's portraits); «Степовики» Роман (1949) (рус. пер.: Степняки. М., 1950)(The Steppers); «Степ прагне» (1951) (рус. пер.: Степи жаждут. М., 1951)(The Steppes are crave); «Каховські оповідання» (1952)(Kahovsky stories); «Портрет матері» (1954) (рус. пер.: Портрет матери. М., 1956)(Portrait of mother); «І один у полі воїн» Роман (1956) (рус. пер.: И один в поле воин. М., 1957 многочисленные переиздания)(Even one person is the warrior in the field); «У чорних лицарів» Роман (1964) (рус. пер.: У чёрных рыцарей. М., 1994)(From the Black Knights); «Над Шпрее клубочаться хмари» (1965) (рус. пер.: Гроза на Шпрее. Архангельск, 1994)(Above the Spree are thunderstorm and clouds).

8. Drama Plays - "The Schors" (1938); "Kotovsky" (1937-1938); "The Great Law" (1948); "The Borislav tragedy" (1954).

Screenplays of feature and popular science films - "They See Again" (1948); "The Bloody Dawn" (1956); "In the footsteps of invisible enemies" (1955); "Far from the Motherland" (1960).

9. Awards of Dold-Mikhaylik - "The Order of the Badge of Honor"

10.Yu. P. Dold-Mikhaylik died on May 17, 1966. He was buried in Kiev at the Baykovoye cemetery. At the house number 6 on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya, where he lived and worked in 1952-66, in 1968, a memorial plaque was opened (sculptor KV Godulyan, architect RP Yukhtovsky).


  • Вишневская Н. А. Юрій Дольд-Михайлик. — Журнал «Радянське літературознавство», 1959, № 1
  • Українські письменники. Біобібліографічний словник. — Киев, 1965. — Т. 4.
  • История украинской советской литературы. — Киев, 1965. - Literary Portal

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