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Akhmet Baitursynuly
145 years since the birth Hadzhimukan (Kazhymukan)...

23.06.2016 4633

145 years since the birth Hadzhimukan (Kazhymukan) Munaitpasov, famous wrestler, masters of classic wrestling

145 years since the birth Hadzhimukan (Kazhymukan) Munaitpasov, famous wrestler, masters of classic wrestling -
Hadzhimukan (Kazhymukan) Munaitpasov - Famous Kazakh wrestler and circus artist. Many times (in 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913 and 1914) He won the world championships in Greco-Roman wrestling among professionals. The first Kazakh who won the world title of the French wrestling; many times won the world, Russian, regional, and then-Union championships in Greco-Roman wrestling among heavyweights. He is the owner of more than fifty awards and medals of different samples. Hadzhimukan is a native of Kipchak Altybas family tribe, which is known for its heroes-Batyrs. His family tree looks like this: Kipchak Toktarbay then Koblandy Toktarbayuly, Terlikbay, Oybas, Uzun, Altybas, Karys, Zholaman, Sanbay, Shadi Batyr (lived in the time of Khan Abylai), His grandfather Ernak, father Munaitpas, and finally himself Hadzhimukan. There were stories about that his maternal grandfather - Lek-Baluan - is so powerful that he could pull trees with roots. He was born April 7, 1871 in the village Karaotkel Akmola region - is now the village named in his honor - Kazhymukan , Akmola Region of modern Kazakhstan. His father, Munaitpas Ernakov was very humble and poor man, but possessed uncommon physical strength and often won in wrestling matches, for which he received the nickname "Stout leg Baluan". The grandfather of  Kazhymukan, Ernak also characterized with great physical strength and wrestling skill, somehow he foresaw a bright future of his grandson and began to teach him the tricks of the national wrestling kazahsha kures. He was 204 cm tall and weighed 159 kg. He fought in 54 countries, won more than 58 medals. The journalist Kazbek Suleimenov, who repeatedly met with Hadzhimukanom, claimed that he was orphaned at the age of 9 and a child tending the flock of bais. In the story Alimkulov Burkitbayev Mukan was orphaned at age 19, but then became Burkitbayev of the opinion that his father died in 1914, when Hadzhimukan was in Riga and he was 43 years old. Hadzhimukan began works for rich-landowners since he was a teenager and do hard physical work. In looking for a job, he goes to Kyzylzhar, where he works for a local rich man. His mother told that he could have a challenge, as fun to eat a whole sheep or drink a full fat tail oil. There is a story that Hadzhimukan without any help pull it in the mud bull. There is also a story about the fact that in 1889 the owner ordered him to bring  dry hay in the middle of a harsh winter. Along the way, one of the horses fell and did not get up, then Hadzhimukan laid it in the cart, the second horse tied behind him, and he pulled them all to the village.  Hadzhimukan was not even 17 years old when it began to sound like a strong fighter, which had to his credit a lot of victories over fighters known in Akmola region, and his fame began to disperse across the Kazakh steppe lands. According to the stories Hadzhimukan, at age 18, he was invited to the circus. He works in the stables and at the same time learns the tricks of the circus to combat. When he turns 20, the first time he enters the arena. In 1901 in the city Omby Akmola Region (now called Omsk and were taked off with county territories has own Region and situated in Russian Federation)  opened the championship of the French wrestling and the rumors about the performance of professional wrestlers and their victories over local fighters extend to Kazhimukan. Deciding to engage in combat with professionals Hadzhimukan however, at the time  turned  34 accepts the challenge of the most powerful of them - with Andrei Zlobin. This fight is an ordeal not only for Hadzhimukan, but also for the Zlobin, by metting his honourable opponent . But Zlobin it turns out more technical and experienced, and won him on 18 minutes after the start of battle. Russian fighter has experienced tremendous physical abilities of young Kazakh strongman, according to stories, he advises him to pick a wresttling fight of his profession and to enroll in the school of the famous wrestlers where trained Ivan Vladimirovich Lebedev, known as "Uncle Vanya", Ivan ( Iron Ivan) Poddubny and others.  It is said that Hadzhimukan  trained in Lebedev's school during the period of 1903-1904 years. It is not clear What did Hadzhimukan from 20 years of age till 35 years. The first major success came to Hadzhimukan in 1905 in Harbin. Several times he was not allowed to be in the Russian National team due to the Russian Empire's discriminatory policy, therefore he participated in international competitions on behalf of Manchuria with the Japanese name Yamagata Makhanura. He passed championship fight "jiu-jitsu" undefeated and won the gold medal. One of his famous victories was the defeat of Japanese jiu-jitsu master Harakiki Jindofu, who did not survive the fatal injury of the spine he received during the fight. After returning from Harbin Hadzhimukan he gained fame as a "Champion of Manchuria." He had several nicknames: "Muhanura", "Ivan Black", "Red Mask", but the alias "Muhanura" stayed with him until the October Revolution. Due to the fact that he could not be admitted to the Russian national team, under the Japanese name Yamagata Muhanura performed at international competitions for Manchuria. Hadzhimukan also nicknamed "Ivan the Black," and after the Hajj in 1912, he got to his name prefix "Haji" (pilgrim), with whom he became known throughout the world. In pre-revolutionary period Hadzhimukan performed successfully in the international arena with such legendary champions like Ivan Poddubny, Georg Lurich and Ivan Zaikin. Speaking of the leading group of his fighters, like this described by Lurich Hadzhimukan:The Son of the East - Japanese Muhanura. He is a fighter and a rare good addition, different savagery and ferocity in battle. After the October Revolution was actively involved in the development of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, he founded the professional theater, which emerged from the womb of many famous artists of the time first in the history of Kazakhstan, organized various championships. In 1909 at the World Cup of the French wrestling in Gothenburg (Sweden) Hadzhimukan wins gold medal and became the first Kazakh who received a world title of the champion of the wresttling. In 1910 in America it leaves a large group of European and Russian fighters. In America, they were divided into several groups, one of them was present Hadzhimukan. One of the most important moments in his career was in 1910, when he was awarded the gold medal in Buenos Aires and became World Champion for the first time.  In December 1910 - January 1911, he will perform at the international championship in Moscow, which means that Hadzhimukan had already returned from America. In this championship Hadzhimukan in a short period of time wins Razumov, Schneider, Ioganesov, Winter and Apollo. It is fiercely held his battle with the fighter Cyclops, which ended in a draw by the judge, crowd of visioners was disagree with this decision . On the seventh day Hadzhimukan met with Georg Lurich, who was the host of the championship. But the first twenty-minute struggle does not give result and Lurich calls him a rematch the next day. But this time Lurih fail to defeat him, and judge sympathetic to the Lurih prolong the battle and, ultimately, were shouted by the crowd to announce the winner - Kazhymukan.In April 1911 Hadzhimukan fights at Petersburg. Among the participants of the championship, which took place in the summer garden of "Farah", it had several world champions, including Raul de Rouen and Georg Lurich. The previous championship fate befell Hadzhimukan this time: in the middle of the championship he was disqualified for allegedly breaking the rules. Hadzhimukan then invited to international competitions in Warsaw, where he met with the famous Hadzhimukan Abs Paul, the champion of Russia Ivan Iago and German wrestler Weyland-Schultz. Hadzhimukan wins the gold medal, while Paul Laube and Abs receive silver and bronze medals accordingly. Six months later Hadzhimukan returns to Poland to take part in the championship in Warsaw. He won a prize, but again the local organizers and the judge conducting the fights, sympathize to their wards Czech fighter Carl Pospeshil world champions Carl Zaft and Georg Lurich. In May 1912 Hadzhimukan takes part in the championship of the city Sary-tau (now called Saratov and tooked and located in Russian Federation), who wore an international character. He was awarded a silver medal and was publicized under his real name, but Tatar sponsor of Kazymukan issued him as Tatar. 
In 1940 already considerably aged Hadzhimukan solves the last time to speak to the public and this finish his long career. But after the beginning of the Great Patriotic many circus artists of the last pass on their savings to help the front and Hadzhimukan, do not want to keep up with your friends, organize a circus tent, and speaks to the audience in order to raise funds to help the Soviet soldiers. Using simple props - a hammer, chains and weights - touring the auls. Seventy-year old man again makes power moves. Sometimes, finding no lorry-truck, but instead falls under the barn gate and through it paces the whole village. Last performance Hadzhimukan held in 1944 in the South Kazakhstan region and the money collected in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, surrendered to the Foundation of Defense. On the collected money he requested to present on behalf of the Soviet army aircraft (U-2 model), which will be named after another legendary Kazakh Amangeldy Imanov. In response to a request Hadzhimukana it comes thanksgiving telegram from Stalin, in which he meets his request. Take my greetings and gratitude to the Red Army, Comrade. Haji Flour, for your concern about the air force of the Red Army. Your desire will ispolneno- Stalin. This aircraft, solemnly awarded by Hadzhimukanom, under the control of a young pilot-Kazakh Kazhytaya Shalabayeva fought in the Baltic and Leningrad fronts, made 217 sorties (of which 120 night) and stayed in the air 430 hours. In the last years of his life he Hadzhimukan go unnoticed by the authorities and was forced to sell the coin to keep his large family. He was denied access to his old friend Ivan Poddubny, whose fate was tragic too. Many fighters, including himself Hadzhimukan, were harassed by the NKVD for allegedly serve "tsarism" and other "crimes". Despite this, his authority Hadzhimukan helps families who, during the repression came under the "cannibalization." Despite all the credit to his country, at the end of his life he was left without the support of the local authorities and presumably died of pneumonia due to living in subhuman conditions. 



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