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Abish Kekilbayev passed away...

11.12.2015 2430

Abish Kekilbayev passed away

Abish Kekilbayev passed away -

Abish Kekilbayev was a public figure and a politician, a Hero of labour of Kazakhstan, a national writer of Kazakhstan, a winner of the State award, a philologist, a member of Academy of social sciences, an Honourable professor of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the L.N.Gumilev Euroasian State University. He was born on December 6, 1939 in the village Ondy, Mangistau area.

Abish Kekilbayev translated to the Kazakh language G. Maupassant's novels «Pierre and Jean», "Life", C.Aitmatov's story «Ranniye zhuravli» (Early cranes). He took part in the translation of the epic novel "War and peace" by L.Tolstoy, a number of works by I.Bunin. Abish Kekilbayev translated plays "King Lear", "Romeo and Juliette» by W.Shakespeare, «Don Juan or love to geometry» by M. Frisch.

Literary portal expresses condolences to the family, friends and all admires of Abish Kekilbayev

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