Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
"Adebiet alemindegi - Ayele zhuregi" (Women's Hea...

01.06.2016 1678

"Adebiet alemindegi - Ayele zhuregi" (Women's Heart - in the world of Literature)

 "Adebiet alemindegi - Ayele zhuregi" (Women's Heart - in the world of Literature) -

Today, June 1 at 17:00 at the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a recital with Gulzada Nietkalievoy and Dawn Zhumanova "Adebiet alemindegi - Ayele zhuregi" (Women's Heart - in the world of Literature).


 Zarya Zhumanova - writer, journalist, member of the Writers 'Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the winner of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan award named Gabiden Mustafin.


 Gulzada Nietkalieva - poet, literary critic, candidate of philological sciences and the winner of Makhambet Utemisov Prize.


 Zarya Zhumanova Gulzada Nietkalievna and author of many books and literary and writers' works.

 Here are a few of the books and literary works of Zarya Zhumanova:


"Tungi Ottar" (Night Lights)

"Ekige bolinbeytin kelinshek" (daughter in lawis not divisible by two)

"Siz izdegen Adam" (person you have looking for)

"Ultyn suygen ulylar" (Great men who loved their nation)

And here is the books of Gulzada Nietkalieva:

"Kigashtyn Karlygashi" (The curve of a swallow)

"Akbota Kundi ansaumen" (Akbota (child of the camel) dreams about the sun)

"Ardaktym" (My honorable)

"Allazhar" (Blessed  by God)

"Dara" (Wideness)

"Esengali Raushanovtyn poeziyasy" (Poetry of Esengali Raushanov)

 At the meeting, Zarya Zhumanova and Gulzada Nietkalieva  told about the work of their arts and their creative plans. It is also was told that they met with amusing coincidence, and have not seen each other until today except on the other a morning concert of poetry, which was today (we wrote about it earlier)


It is also was told that they met with amusing coincidence, and have not seen each other until today except on the other a morning concert of poetry, which was today (we wrote about it earlier)


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