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«AlmatyBookExpo» opens on May 29-30 in Almaty...

28.05.2014 1830

«AlmatyBookExpo» opens on May 29-30 in Almaty

«AlmatyBookExpo» opens on May 29-30 in Almaty -

Almaty, May 29-30, 2014. RSI National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of publishers, printers and booksellers of Kazakhstan in association with KazNU will organize an International Book Fair «AlmatyBookExpo».


Book Fair is a traditional venue for performances and presentations of national culture, establishment and expansion of cultural and business links between the publishing, printing and booksellers companies.

This book fair will be attended by national and foreign publishing and bookselling companies, printing companies and other organizations from Turkey, UAE, China, Iran, Russia, Uzbekistan, which will exhibit books, periodicals, printed music, maps, postcards, stamps, pictures and other types of printed products, electronic publications, stationery, souvenirs. 

Main sections: books, magazines, newspapers, posters, postcards; audio, video, electronic - book; bookstores; paper and cardboard; printing services; stationery; libraries, archives, literary agencies and many others.

Pushkin str., 2, Almaty 050016
Republic of Kazakhstan,
Tel.: +7 ( 727) 397-61-98 Fax: +7 (727) 397-61-15
e -mail:, 

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