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Book about N. Nazarbayev «Not the Silk Road» prese...

21.05.2015 1702

Book about N. Nazarbayev «Not the Silk Road» presented in Moscow

Book about N. Nazarbayev «Not the Silk Road» presented in Moscow -


MOSCOW- The presentation of the book about the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev «Не шелковый путь» (Not the Silk Road) by the Russian writer Sergey Plekhanov was held in the guest house of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 

By his book «Не шелковый путь» (Not the Silk Road) let out by publishing house «International life» («Международная жизнь») the Russian writer S. Plekhanov opened a new thematic series «World leaders».

S. Plekhanov's book represents outlook on life and activity of the First President - the Leader of the Nation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as on a person and on a politician. Despite a set of books about Nursultan Nazarbayev issued in many corners of the world this edition is rather unique in own way.

The book narrates not only about the story of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s life, but also about construction of the new independent, prospering state, his outstanding personal contribution to safety and cooperation strengthening in the world.

Special value of the book is that the author working over the book more than 15 years managed to visit all Kazakhstan, he visited places of the childhood and youth of the protagonist, talked to his relatives, assistants and colleagues, met repeatedly with the President of RK himself. S. Plekhanov describes all stages of life of the character and represents an amazing story of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s formation - from the son of the shepherd to the Leader of a world scale.

The guests and participants of the presentation: the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation Marat Tazhin, the rector of the Moscow State University, a Member of the Academy of Sciences Victor Sadovnichy, a director of the N. Nazarbayev Fund of culture, education and social programs Kanat Saudabayev, the People's Artist of the USSR Armen Djigarkhanyan, the dean, the Ambassador of the Azerbaijani Republic in the Russian Federation, the national actor of Azerbaijan Pohlad Byulbyul-ogly, well-known TV reporter Maxim Shevchenko and many other prominent politicians and the businessmen, known figures of literature and art, diplomats, representatives of a scientific and academic community.

REFERENCE: Sergey Plekhanov is a well-known Russian writer, the author of many books and scenarios of a number of feature films. He was born in 1949 in Sverdlovsk, graduated from MGIMO and A.Gorkiy Literary institute.

He is also an author of more than 10 books and numerous articles on modern political and international subjects. 

In recent years S. Plekhanov published some books about modern political leaders of the East: sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said, imam of Isma'ilites Aga-Khan, governor of Iraq Saddam Hussein.








Photo: Kazinform

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