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Celebrating Happy Astana Day - Capital Day ( part ...

07.07.2016 1832

Celebrating Happy Astana Day - Capital Day ( part II )

Celebrating Happy Astana Day - Capital Day ( part II ) -

A Street Dance, Choreographic Festival,  Kumys Festival, Kites Festival and 30 couples marriage on the Day of the Capital

About Street Dance in Astana

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Street Dance Session-2016 International Festival has been held. 700 dancers  competed for the title of the best in the main square within two days. The event timed to the celebration of the Day of the Capital was attended by hundreds of spectators. Competitions are held in the form of team and individual performances in several areas of modern street dance. There was an incredible atmosphere on the dance floor, as well as in the viewers sector. Children and adults, boys and girls were competing with each other to the stirring music. Spectators also could not resist dancing to hip-hop tracks. The judges of the competition were such well-known choreographers, as the French hip-hop and house dancer Yugson, American choreographer Ade Willis, one of the best in the world Korean popping performer Dokyun, one of the most famous dancer in waacking style Chrissy Chou from Taiwan, the winner of multiple dancehall competitions Nora, as well as one of the best krumpling performers of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries Lil Stagekilla. "The festival is held in Astana for the 7th year. It brings together dancers of all ages and all levels: both beginners and professionals. Our festival lasts for 4 days. The first day is a qualifying round, the second includes workshops where eminent judges provide classes, the next two days are finals in categories such as hip-hop, waacking, house, dance hall, krump, popping, clocking etc. Tomorrow the finals among professionals will take place, but today there is final for children" - said the Manager for External Relations of the Festival, Adiya Rakhmzhan. 

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The prize fund of the competition will constitute more than 2 million 500 thousand tenge with the grand prize of 1 million tenge. Several categories are provided in each area; therefore, the battle for prizes is open for participation of dancers of all ages and all levels. International Street Dance Session is one of the brightest events of the capital. Over the past seven years, guests of the festival were the dancers and choreographers, who starred in the famous "Step Up" movie, participated in "Dancing" and "Star of the Dance Floor" TV shows, as well as were the architects of street dancing culture and collaborated with stars such as Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber. 1 million KZT  at the festival of Street Dance won the group from Almaty "FINEX Project". Nikita Polikarpov, a member of Project Phoenix: " It was a long-awaited victory, we walked a very long time for this. We stand for the second time here. The subjects had to show how performance will-clear, and spent a synchronous, energetic. And this time we decided to take a chance and use props: basketballs. We areas the saying goes, pulled the lucky ticket".

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"Bile, Astana!" - as a Choreographic Festival 

The capital hosted "Bile, Astana!" festival. More than 70 dance groups from across the country have arrived in Astana. The event held on "Parus" stage brought together fans of dance performances.The festival participants performed in six categories: folk, classical, pop, modern, sport and artistic, as well as street dance. The jury consisted of such cultural figures as the Director of "Naz" State Theatre of Dance, Samat Tengelbayev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of Astana Academy of Arts, Aygul Kulbekova, the Head of Choreography Center of KazNUA, Diana Agzamova.


- We are organizing this festival for the first time and planning to hold it every year. Dance groups, solo performers aged 5 to 25 arrived from Zhambyl, Taraz, Almaty, Karaganda, Kostanay. Next year, on the eve of EXPO-2017, we are planning to hold the festival during 10 days, - said Samat Tengelbayev. A fashion show of Laura School of Design was held in between the stirring performances. Children's clothing collection was presented by the designer Maya Khassanova. A ceremony of awarding the winners were  held. Holders of the Grand Prix  received 100 thousand tenge each in every category, and those who have taken the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places received 50 thousand tenge each. The heads of dance groups  awarded with letters of gratitude for their students. 

What is "Kymyzmuryndyk"?-  It's an Ethnographic Kumys Festival

"Kymyzmuryndyk" Ethnographic Festival takes place in "Zheruiyk" park of the capital. Astana residents and guests were able to enjoy treats of the national cuisine such as kurt, baursaks, zhent, irimshik, shubat and, certainly, kumys in six yurts decorated in traditional style during two days, on July 5-6, from 10 am to 20 pm. Everyone willing is also able to visit workshops, which will tell all about the preparation and storage of kumys, national dolls, basketry and weaving.


The festival opened with a dramatized performance of artists of K.Kuanyshbayev Kazakh Music and Drama Theatre, "Altyn Dan" Ensemble (Gatsenko L.) and other art teams of the capital. Visitors of the festival managed not only to try the sacred drink, but also to get closer to the culture of other peoples. For example, residents of the city have passed the rite of blessing and tasted sweet kumys from Yakutia.


Guests were also pleased with the concert program that involved participation of artists such as Mayra Ilyassova, Altynay Zhorabayeva, Marzhan Arabpayeva, Bagdat Samitdinova, Indira Rassylkhan and others. Masters of wood carving from Petropavlovsk showed the citizens kumys sets, astau and pictures in the national style.


- Many thanks to the organizers for holding such events. It is a great pleasure that the ancient traditions of the people are demonstrated here. As children have now begun visiting villages less. I myself as a child spent all the summer in Taukara. I remember my aunt Mariya preparing kumys of pink color, it is scalded with cherry twigs, and we are kurt of black color. There is no place to see that, rather than here, - a pensioner, Batima Kussainova, shared her impressions.

Kites Festival In the Kazakh Capital     


Dozens of kites are hovering in the sky of the capital. "Astana Aspany" Kite Festival has been started on the Waterfront of Yessil River near the bridge on Sarayshyk Str. About 70 foreign guests from France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Russia are taking part in the event. The festival organized by Astana Office of Culture is held in the capital for the third time. Famous pilots and makers of kites will delight residents and guests of the capital during two days: on July 5 and July 6 from 12 pm to 8 pm. "A lot of foreign designers have been brought to delight our residents and guests of the capital with the flights of colorful kites. There is a number of festivals in the world related to kites launching: competitions, simultaneous launch of kites," - says the Administrator of "Astana Aspany" Festival, Kaysar Sarybayev. The festivals youngest and eldest visitors will enjoy workshops, where they will be able to make their own kites and run them into the sky. Everyone willing will be also able to purchase kites. The two-day program of the festival will include performances of the capitals "Americano" live-band, "Tall Brothers Moscow Street Theater, troupes of "Pavane" Dutch Theatre, as well as DJs, contests and kites draws.      



30 couples marriage on the Day of the Capital


30 Couples Got Married on the Eve of the Day of the Capital. The mass wedding ceremony was held in Astana on the eve of the 18th anniversary of the capital. The solemn ceremony held at "Atameken" Complex involved 30 pairs of different ages from the capital who sealed the bonds of wedlock. "This is such a great opportunity to celebrate the wedding in an unusual format. We have brought together the newlyweds in the park, and here, in the square, we have awarded marriage certificates, and each bride received a wedding bouquet. That was the way the official ceremony has been held, and prizes drawing, wedding cake cutting, wedding waltz, and much more is waiting for the heroes of the occasion in "Duman" Hotel" - says the Acting Head of Astana Office of Entrepreneurship and Industry, Ryskul Kaugabayeva. Brides and grooms made vows of love under the two big red hearts. After the solemn ceremony, the young couples went to the highest flagpole. All the time, the just married spouses were filmed by photo and video cameras, many of the newlyweds did not hide their emotions.


- Even the rain did not spoil the holiday, - say the youngest husband and wife, Bauyrzhan and Symbat Surapbay.  This is the fate; perhaps, we had not been planning to get married on this day. Everything was excellent. We have been dating for three years and have been waiting for this day for a very long time; weve decided to get married this year. A popular TV anchorwoman, Aygul Mukey, and an actor, musician, producer, Anuar Nurpeissov, rushed to congratulate the newlyweds. Happy couples launched balloons in the shape of a heart, which adorned the sky of our capital.






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