Within the celebration of the Year of the APK Literary portal starts a year of literature of people of Kazakhstan. January was dedicated to Georgian literature.
Nodar Dumbadze - a Georgian writer and one of the most popular authors in the late 20th-century Georgia

The stories by Nodara Dumbadze are hard to be called cheerful. However there is no work which can be called hopelessly sad. And the story "Cucaracha", being so tragic is full of good and vital optimism that involuntarily makes you start smiling, even if you sobbed several pages ago.
In 1982 Keti Dolidze and Siko Dolidze shot the film based on Dumbadze's story which was included into gold fund of the Georgian and Soviet cinema. Actor Levan Uchaneishvili played for Cucaracha, Nineli Chankvetadze - Inga, and Zaza Kolelishvili - Murtalo.
Tall, handsome and charming Levan Uchaneishvili played his role perfect for sure and earned trust of audience.
Cucaracha was the real legend of the area which was under his protection: everybody knew that after war he came in job searches to a district committee, and then to regional police department.

Children loved him very much because he was an educator deep insight! Nothing else can explain the following episode but this fact: A group of boys fed fishes in the small river with nuts, and when fishes emerged on atop lifeless; they simply brought them together and carried away home. Cucaracha saw this, and explained children that it was a bad act. Cucaracha is not only the district police officer, but also a tutor; thanks to his diligence many people in the area became better and more tolerant to each other.
Filmmakers strictly followed all subject details of the Dumbadze’s story. In general, Dumbadze's transferred on the screen works, have happy destiny. Directors treated with special respect screen adaptations of works of one of the most favorite writers of Georgia. In 1962 the film of Tengiz Abuladze «Me, Grandma, Iliko and Ilarioni» came out, in 1965 - «I Can See the Sun» of the director L.Gogoberidze in commonwealth with the author, and in twenty years - "Cucaracha" which has adequately continued nice tradition of the previous pictures.
N. Galeyeva
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