Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Eurasia's Altai Heritage by Seidakhmet Kuttykadam ...

02.08.2019 2855

Eurasia's Altai Heritage by Seidakhmet Kuttykadam 12+

Eurasia's Altai Heritage by Seidakhmet Kuttykadam  -

In this book, the reader will find an approach to History, where its main goal not to show dependence of the people from material consumption, that has always been and is in the foreground, but as the stages of a human-being’s ascension in the Spirit and in his self-improvement.

Most of all, the author is interested in the spiritual origins of our civilization, and he raises very important issues of our time. How has mankind “managed” to degrade from the “Divine Reason” to today's madness, with the full conviction that it is moving forward all the time? Is the end of the world so inevitable and are we “rapidly rolling towards the end” or is there still a way out? To find answers to the questions, it is proposed to track how humanity moved from its dawn to today's evening twilight. In addition, the author emphasizes that one cannot know oneself without knowing the common sources, spiritual principles of ancient civilizations hidden in the “dark millennia”. At the same time, the author of “ Eurasia's Altai Heritage” discovers that they all converge at one “zero” point - in the Paleolithic monastery of the Primordial Knowledge.

Seidakhmet Kuttykadam,


Seidakhmet Kuttykadam emphasizes the connection of all people on the Earth. In his opinion, every person, from the pygmy in the African jungle to the pharaoh or president, participated and is participating in the creation of the history of the human race. By adding up the various components, he receives a winding line in the system of three coordinates: spirituality, material well-being and the form of political and social organization - and with a significant measure of conditionality, he proposes to consider it a cultural path of mankind, which, in his opinion, began in Altai. Probably, it is a creative approach to such a complex topic that can help determine the trajectory and understand the hidden logic of the movement of terrestrial civilization, as well as predict the future course of events and attempt to influence it.

Of course, what the author offers is a hypothesis, not a historical, but a system-logical description. Reasonable conservatism is necessary for historians to protect science from all kinds of charlatans, but at the same time it is necessary to reflect on the search for new historical methods and methodologies, a new look for a holistic perception and reflection of the stream of history.

A key value of the book is that it makes you think. We are used to trust everything that we are taught at school, college or university. Sometimes we don’t take information critically, don’t realize that everything entering our brain is a kind of program that determines our future life to one degree or another.

The author offers his hypothesis of the emergence of human civilization, finds the point of origin of the initial impulse of the incredible spiritual rise observed in naive, “illiterate” and young mankind, which contributed to the emergence of many ancient cultures.

His discussions about primordial knowledge and proto-language, as well as analysis of the huge amount of material found in the caves of Altai, which turned out to be the real Paleolithic treasury of Siberia, led him to interesting conclusions: over 300 thousand years ago, the ancestral forms of man: the Neanderthals and “The Altai man” co-existed and interacted with each other.

The author concentrates his attention exactly on the “proto-Altaians”. Despite the fact that their sacred objects, particularly temples and monuments, were destroyed by later rulers and subsequent religions, more and more facts are popping up proving that we still know very little about our ancient history, and the most incredible hypothesis may turn out to be the truth.

The Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev argued that meta-history is the kingdom of God, and Seidakhmet Kuttykadam in his book takes on the difficult task of reconstructing the Original Religion.

He suggests that it was based on a sacred connection between Heaven, Earth and Fate of people, nations, races and mankind. The proto-Altaians had a completely different, “divine” perception of time, space and life.

People in the “Golden Age” were calm, noble, curious and open, they enjoyed their work and they tried to understand the Mother Nature, and in the modern world people worship money, they became greedy, they take work as a compulsory duty, and Mother Nature for them is just a slave, supplying goods. According to the Altaians, there are not two polar forces, but three balanced forces in all the structures of the Universe. For example, basic ones: female, male and childish (the child begins a new life cycle); heaven, earth and air; good, evil and indifference; cold, heat and warmth; beautiful, ugly and ordinary; sweet, bitter and fresh; North, South poles and Equator; day, night and twilight; past, future and present. Even an atom consists of three parts: an electron, a proton and a neutron. There is an endless struggle between Good and Evil in the world, when in fact the duality of the world creates its triplicity. Later, for example, it will result in a Christian doctrine of Trinity (the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead).

According to the author of the book, the experience of East and West demonstrated that Matter and Spirit should be in balance, but provided that the Spirit commands Matter, excessive wealth and excessive poverty are a vice, it is necessary to follow to the principle of reasonable sufficiency of material goods to maintain Spirit and keep in a right development an individual and a society.

It is symbolic, that a civilization develops and grows at the expense of the death of nature. Having real opportunities to build paradise on the Earth, rich, powerful people spend their resources to satisfy their materialistic Ego, condemning themselves to death.

But, as the mysterious don Juan, the hero of the writer Carlos Castaneda used to say, “only a warrior can survive on the path of knowledge. Because the art of a warrior is to find a balance between the horror of being a human being and the admiration for being a human being”.

And this book first of all reminds us of our true essence, that we are people with a great and bright goal, and not consumers and destroyers of nature. There comes a turning point, when the secret gradually becomes apparent in order to awaken a person to co-creation with the environment, with Nature.

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