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Great news! The mobile application of “Literary po...

10.11.2017 2814

Great news! The mobile application of “Literary portal” came out!

Great news! The mobile application of “Literary portal” came out! -

Dear readers!

We are glad to share good news with you. The mobile application of came out!

At the platform IOS and Android came out the mobile application of the internet-project “Literary portal”. Since today it is possible to download the application at App Store and Play Market.

By means of the mobile application the reading of literature articles, books, listening to audiobooks, participation in literature competitions, conducted at the portal online will be even more comfortable. After downloading the mobile application at the smartphone or tablet PC, one can read interesting and useful materials anywhere.

Now, the registration at “Literary portal” is more optimized. Registered users can open their blog in the section “Blogs” and publish their material. Also, there is the possibility to publish the e-version of the book and share it with other readers.

To add, it is possible to open the personal library by marking the books among more than 4 thousand books at the portal. The peculiarity of the personal library is the opportunity to read books offline.

A reader can participate in the discussion of the article by sharing their opinion under it. With the help of pressing the tab “Become a curator” on the personal page of a certain author, the reader can fill in this page, for instance, downloading the works of the given author or adding their biography.

The team of “Literary portal” sets its main task the creation of all possible conditions for their readers with the aim of free sail in literary flow by means of the mobile application. Plunge into the bright and colorful world of literature! We are waiting for you!

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