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Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Homeland above all else...

29.11.2016 3253

Homeland above all else

Homeland above all else -
bdf1449b59e5c0b9fd67cec363a3ba77.jpgThe poet Qasym Amanzholov was born  in Karkaralinsk district of Karaganda region in 1911 and this year could turn to 105. 

Early lost his parents. He was brought up in an orphanage.
In 1930 he graduated from Semipalatinsk Veterinary College. He studied at the Ural Pedagogical Institute, Leningrad Institute of Forestry.
Since 1932 he worked in the editorial board of the Republican youth newspaper "Leninshil jas". 
In 1940 he was expelled from the Writers' Union for hooliganism and nationalism. 
In 1941-1946 he served in the Red Army; a veteran of World War II.Member of the CPSU (b) since 1944.

The works of the famous poet of the Kazakh people transated into many languages. So, B. Rozhdestvensky and B. Tsybin  translated from Kazakh into Russian poems such as "About Me", "Mulla, sitting at the prayer", "Moscow", "Motherland", "Dombra", "Dariga", "Letter of Motherland "," cliff "," Nar Tauekel! "," Calm down "and the well-known poem" The Legend of the death of the poet". 


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With regard to this poem, Qasym Amanzholov composed it in 1943 during a ruthless war. It is due to this poem name Qasym became known not only among his countrymen, but also in the Soviet Union as a whole. It is known that the "Legend of the death of the poet" dedicated to a friend, comrade and the young poet Abdulla Zhumagaliev. 

In poetry of Qasym Amanzholov felt some comfort, soul-creation. At the same time these verses burning passion and hope for the future. 

"Diverse and wide inner world of the lyrical hero of Qasym Amanzholov. Therefore available subtle nuances of human experience, and for each it is accurate, only the right words, "- wrote a famous scientist-poet Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov.

Qasym was very fond of his loved ones, Woman, which whom he was in love ... and of course the Homeland. Homeland he loved more than anything else. He do not get tired to write poems about the motherland, native land. His love was boundless.


The native land, the golden cradle!
If only my soul is not singing like a panpipe,
Whenever I laid as stone at your sands,
Can it be true would have silence me?
Can it be true speechless?

How do you spacious, oh the land, how great!
Above each trail of yours stood centuries.
I am happy to have been born in your wilderness steppes,
But even pain in your steppes - somehow is easy.
Is your breeze is not from my only breath?

With your spaciousness my spirit feels the kinship.
There is nothing you have not regretted for me,
And I, my dear, I do not regret anything.
Oh sweet land! 
About you dreams your bard.

When I can not see your native valleys,
That seemed to wither for me, like I'm getting decrepit old ...
I am your singer!
 I am your protector. 
I'm your son.

This piece from his poem, he wrote in 1946.

78440940fb92b3c5346ae9c5c43148f2.jpgQasym Amanzholov does not cease speaking about the vastness of our great land. 

There is one feature in the poetry of Qasym Amanzholov: his poems never lose their sense of urgency and will always remain a prominent place in the contemporary world. Since he did not praise the authority, he did not write about the power or politics, which is gone today, and that does not come at all. 

He wrote about love, about the Land, and spiritual values which are missing today. These themes reflected in his poetry a common son of the Qazaq people -  Qasym.

Akbota Kuzekbay

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