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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Importance of trilingual education for Kazakstan...

02.08.2017 7913

Importance of trilingual education for Kazakstan

Importance of trilingual education for Kazakstan -

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his traditional speech addressed to the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan said that there is a limit of human life, and there is no end to education. He also said that he supports today's generation to learn three languages. About the Kazak language which is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan he said that it's the language of the state-forming nation and the Russian language knowledge is a great wealth. Also, he said that we must learn English because it is the language of advancement and technology. Also, he noticed that the Kazak language bringing together all the people of Kazakhstan, bringing them closer together and bringing mutual understanding and love. The purpose of the President of Kazakhstan is to ensure that citizens of the country have the right to choose their place of living, multilingual and multicultural, who are able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in science, equally with the citizens of other developed countries to form a personality that can be traced back to knowledge. The reason is that in a few languages, free speech and writing can become a competitive person.

by Akhan Tuleshov - Literary Portal

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