Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Asylbekov Malik-Aidar

Asylbekov Malik-Aidar

Asylbekov Malik-Aidar

Asylbekov Malik-Aidar (15 January, 1929). Historian, doctor of historical sciences (1974), professor (1983), corresponding member of National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1983). He graduated from department of history of the Kazakh state university (1954).


The principal managing the area (1954-1958), the junior, senior research associate, the head of department (1958-1961), the deputy director of Institute of history and ethnology named after Ch. Ch. Valikhanov of National Academy of Science of RK (1985-1986).


The author about 150 scientific and popular scientific works, among them there are about 20 monographs, collective works and brochures. In them problems of history of the first Russian revolution (1905-1907), two revolutions of 1917, social and economic development of Kazakhstan in the 19-20th centuries, stories of working class of the republic, since his formation are investigated up to now.


His scientific creativity is directed to critical development of social and economic and political history of Kazakhstan of XX century in recent years, and also to problems of demographic development of the republic and modern labor movement. He directed group of scientists on studying of an actual and debatable problem “Social and national changes in structure of the population of Kazakhstan (1897-1992)”.


Payed much attention to pedagogical activity, being professor of the Almaty state university named after Abay (since 1981), and also the author of a number of educational and methodical grants for high schools and higher education institutions. The coauthor of five-volume “Stories of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic”, the editor-in-chief and one of the main authors of the three-volume generalizing work “History of Working Class of Kazakhstan”.


Main scientific works:

1. Formation and development of shots of railroad workers of Kazakhstan (1917-1970). Alma-Ata, 1973.

2. Growth of industrial shots of working class of Kazakhstan (1946-1965). Alma-Ata, 1976, (coauthor).

3. Social and demographic development of Kazakhstan (1917-1980). Alma-Ata, 1988, (coauthor).