Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
In Astana took place an exhibition that will Infus...

01.06.2016 1915

In Astana took place an exhibition that will Infuse the sadness in your eyes  

In Astana took place an exhibition that will Infuse the sadness in your eyes     -

In the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an exhibition of modern art dedicated works to Memorial Day of victims of famine and political Repression.




On the exhibition were presented Syrlybek Bekbotaev's "Red Filter" series of pictures,  as the guarantor of peace and protection of native land were installed a Kazakh cradle called «Rattle». The Cradle sounding a work of Aynur Sadenova "Mother's grave". "Mother's grave" - is a generalized name of the children graves at the Dolinka village in Karagandy region. There were buried more than 2,000 babies. Almagul Meñlibaeva proposed to the congregation gathered in the exhibition  work called  "Chanel №5".D4S_8020.JPGD4S_8045.JPGD4S_8065.JPG

              In addition, were presented  series of books about  KarLag published under support of Doctor of Law and Professor Nurlan Dulatbekov.

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It's worth to note that on the event the deputies of the Parliament , Ambassadors and Plenipotentiary public figures  of Lithuania and Iran, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary  expressed their opinions, and shared memories of the descendants of the nation's intelligentsia.

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