Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
International Writing Competition “Rukh” announced...

24.11.2017 1836

International Writing Competition “Rukh” announced!

International Writing Competition “Rukh” announced! -

With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports RK at “Literary portal” in online mode published the regulations of the conduct of the I International Writing Competition “Rukh”.

The given competition is conducted with the aim to contribute the promotion of the tasks set in the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Bolashakkabagdar: rukhanizhangyru” (The course towards future: spiritual modernization); popularization of the Kazakh literature at international level; creation of the platform for the establishment of relations between Kazakhstan and foreign writers; fortification of the interest to national literature in the consciousness of the young generation; raising the authority of poets and writers in the society and consolidation of writers’ role in the spiritual modernization.

The competition is conducted on the following nominations and monetary fund:

- prose: novel, tale – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- prose: narrative, essay – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place– 1 mln tenge;

- poetry: poem – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- poetry: a collection of poems – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- the best dramaturgy – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- the best literary criticism – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- poetry (poems for children) – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge;

- prose (prosaic works for children) – Grand Prix – 2 mln tenge, I place – 1 mln tenge.

With the regulations of the registration for participation in the Competition and summing up the results of the Competition one can become familiar at “Literary portal” in the section “Special projects”.

The applications for participation in the Competition are admitted till 5 December this year.

Dear writers and poets!

We invite you to participate in the competition and make contribution to the spiritual modernization!

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