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Akhmet Baitursynuly
July 3rd -9th: Significant dates in Literary World...

03.07.2017 5112

July 3rd -9th: Significant dates in Literary World of Kazakhstan at this days on Literary Portal

July 3rd -9th: Significant dates in Literary World of Kazakhstan at this days on Literary Portal -

A year ago (05.07.2016) in Moscow in the TASS news agency with the participation of the Kazakh Embassy the presentation of the book "Words that changed the world" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the closure of the Semey test site was held. The moderator was the editor-in-chief of the TASS agency, Mikhail Gusman. The book "Words that changed the world" included the speeches and statements of 45 outstanding personalities from different historical eras - from Confucius to George Washington, from Julius Caesar to Winston Churchill, from Alexander I to Andrei Sakharov. The first words of the book are devoted to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and his decision to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

2 years ago (06.07.2015) the Turkish national newspaper "Vatan" devoted the newspaper's number to the First President of the RK N.Nazarbayev, having published a special article. In the comments to the publication, readers were unanimous in the opinion that the President of Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev, in the initiatives for the development of his country was able to lay the tangible and foreseeable future of Kazakhstan, and also implemented the unprecedented measures for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan through large-scale projects - the construction of transport and logistics infrastructure , Roads, public rental housing, modernization of utilities, energy capacity.

2 years ago (2015) in Astana, the historical-informative book "Kazak Khans" was presented, which tells about the life and activities of Kazak khans, their relationship with neighboring states. The author is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Bereket Karibayev. The difference between this publication and others lies in the fact that this book sets forth previously unknown facts to the general public. In Soviet times only isolated facts about Kazak rulers were published in the literature. In the same book, the periodicity of the arrival of one or another Khan is ordered.

The book is written in three languages (Kazak, English, and Russian). It is likely that this literature will be recommended in the study of the history of the Kazak Khanate. Perhaps in the future, it will be included in the curriculum as an anthology. The book is released in 7,000 copies. This book presents the history of our state in accessible language, tells about the Kazak khans. Now even students do not have time to delve into large and complex scientific monographs. Therefore, such accessible and concise books are important for young people to study history. This book is written in an interesting, accessible language. To read the first page, and he was drawn to read on. "Kazak khans" is of interest to a wide range of readers. This is a kind of informative encyclopedia about the history, heroism, and life of outstanding personalities of the history of Kazakstan. Professional thematic design meets the standards. The book is written in a popular-science style and is dedicated to the history of Kazakh statehood from the Turkic era to the period of destruction of the Kazakh Khanate. The purpose of issuing a unique publication is the popularization of national history. In the context of new methodological approaches, the problems of the genesis of the Kazakh statehood, the basic prerequisites for the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, are considered. Along with this, a thorough picture of ethnic processes in the territory of Kazakhstan, ethnogenesis of the Kazakh nation was recreated. The book is supplemented with information and reference material characterizing the activity of outstanding representatives of the Kazak history of the period of the XV-XIX centuries and is a continuation of scientific and educational publications.

3 years ago (2014), the radio "Russia", which is the absolute leader among all radio stations in Russia, launched a new radio series "Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography". This is a joint project of the Republican television and radio company "Kazakstan" and "Radio" Russia ". In the 25-series radio, the life path of the Kazakstan Leader is traced from a simple country boy from the remote area to the national leader. His figure is given in a historical retrospective of the dramatic and ambiguous events and processes that accompanied the development of Kazakstan at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The author of the biographical book about Nursultan Nazarbayev, who formed the basis of the radio cycle, is the head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Kazakstan, Doctor of Political Science, Professor Mahmud Kasymbekov.

5 years ago (07.07.2012) in Pavlodar region held celebrations to commemorate the 220th anniversary of the famous philosopher and educator Isabek Ishan Khazret, mentor famous writer, ethnographer Mashkhur Zhusup. In the village of Akkol-Zhayilma, the Isabek Ishan museum opened. Here in three rooms share a post about the history of Islam in the Pavlodar Irtysh, ancestry kind of skin illustrations to legends about Isabek Ishan Hazrat, exposure of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev, the descendants and followers Isabek ishan, documentary materials about the achievements of Akkol village, its noble people, Exhibits of archeological excavations of the ancient settlement of Auliekol.

6 years ago (06.07.2011) two books devoted to the President of the Republic of Kazakstan Nursultan Nazarbayev were published. The author of publications and the idea of their release is the children's writer Roza Akbolatova. The book "Elbasy Nursultan" is written in the genre of the essay and illustrated with photographs of the author's meetings with famous people of our country. The modern children's fairy tale "Elbasy Nursultan" is published in three languages. The artist - Svetlana Makarenko. The book is intended for children of primary school age. The book-picture tells about the most notable international events that took place recently in Kazakhstan under the leadership of the Head of State.

7 years ago (05.07.2010) in Istanbul at the Chiragan Palace, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey together with the publishing house Turkuaz conducted a presentation of the Turkish translation of the book "Nazarbayev and the Makіng of Kazakhstan" by the English political biographer Jonathan Aitken. The book about the formation, development and current achievements of Kazakhstan, written by the view of the famous Western political biographer, aroused great interest in Turkish society.

7 years ago (05.07.2010) a book exhibition devoted to Astana was opened in Atyrau regional library. In the expositions of the exhibition, there are books telling about the main city of Kazakhstan. All of them are specially published for people experiencing vision problems. People who wanted to get more information about the capital were assisted by specially trained library workers. Such a book exhibition in the Atyrau region is open for the first time.

7 years ago (07.07.2010) in Petropavl, the opening of the Friendship Fountain took place, around which 34 sculptures of world literature classics, poets and writers were erected. The author of the composition is the famous architect Kazbek Satybaldin.

11 years ago (05.07.2006) in the administrative center of Xinjiang, Urumqi, the Atlas of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China in the Kazakh language was published. This is the first atlas of Xinjiang in the Kazakh language after the founding of the XUAR of China.

12 years ago (08.07.2005) in Astana in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakstan the presentation of the book about the First President of sovereign Kazakstan "XXI century: the world elite about N.A. Nazarbayev" was held. The book, consisting of 4 chapters, is a collection of statements by heads of state, political and religious figures, representatives of the intelligentsia of the world on the activities of the first Head of Independent Kazakhstan.

16 years ago (05.07.2001) in the Shchuchin Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan a monument to the outstanding scientist and enlightener Shokan Ualikhanov was erected.

18 years ago (07.07.1999) in the city of Aktobe a monument to akyn (poet) Nurpeis Bayganin was erected. Nurpeis Baiganin (1860-1954) - Kazakh folk akyn, Honored Artist of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.

22 years ago (07.07.1995) in the Bay-Olke aimak (Region) (the area of compact residence of ethnic Kazaks of Mongolia) there were celebrations dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Abay.

65 years ago (05.07.1952) the Oskemen Pedagogical Institute (OPI) was organized, which consisted of 3 faculties (Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics and natural sciences). For four decades the Institute was one of the leading universities not only in the Republic but also in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In 1991 it was reorganized into East Kazakstan State University and became the third university in Kazakhstan - the same age as the sovereign state. In October 2003, the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakstan named after Sarsen Amanzholov - a scientist, linguist-Turkologist.

85 years ago (04.07.1932) a group of Soviet Kazakh figures - G.Musrepov, M.Gataullin, M.Davletgaliev, E.Altynbekov, K.Kuanyshev - wrote F.Goloshchekinu ("Letter of Five") about the scale of the catastrophe associated with hunger. Because of the intense collectivisation of agribusiness, in the Kazakh Soviet Social Republic in 1920's1930's. Craving broke out. About the starvation, the reasons for the fiasco in July 1932. In the CPU (B.), Personally, F.Goloshchekinu composed a gathering of figures of the Kazakh Republic: G. Musrepov, M. Gataulin, M. Dauletkaliev, E. Altynbekov, K. Kuanyshev. ("Five Person's Letter"). Not just individual authorities, delegates of the Kazak scholarly tip top composed epistolers to Union of Soviet Social Republic and Moscow's government of organizations, additionally conventional individuals.

107 years ago (1910) Alibi Jangildin left Moscow for a hike around the world. Until January 1913, he passed through Poland, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Abyssinia, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Siam, China, and Japan. Zhangildin Alibi Togzhanovich (1884-1953) - state and party figure, one of the organizers of the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan.

114 years ago (1903) the Semey teacher's seminary opened - one of the first special secondary schools in Kazakstan (before and at the same time the role of school was acting by medreses until it was closed by Soviet regime) - as a 7-year school with three main and one preparatory class. It was accepted 24 children from Semipalatinsk, Kereku, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Karkaraly and Akmola districts. Later they began to receive students from Tobyl, Barnaul, and Zhetysu. The first director of the seminary is A. Beliy.

221 years ago (1796) - born Nikolai Alekseevich Polevoy (died 1846), Russian writer, playwright, literary and theater critic, journalist and historian. Brother critic and journalist K.A. Polevoy and writer E.A. Avdeeva, father of the writer and critic P.N. Polevoy. He was born into a merchant family. Received a home education. He made his debut in the press in the magazine Russky Vestnik in 1817. He lived in Moscow (1820-1836), then moved to Petersburg. The Russian word "journalism" was created in the early 1820s by Polevy himself, who so titled in 1825 a column about magazines in the Moscow Telegraph. Originally this word caused ridicule. In 1820-1824 poems, notes, essays, articles, translations from French published in "Domestic notes", "The Northern Archive", "The Son of the Fatherland", "The Almanac of Mnemozin". In Moscow, he published the literary and scientific journal "Moscow Telegraph" (1825-1834), which was published in the printing house of Augustus Semyon. The magazine published articles on literature, history, and ethnography, emphasizing the positive role of the merchant class. The journal was closed in 1834 on the personal order of Nicholas I for the disapproval of Polevoy about the play of N. V. Kukolnik "The Hand of the highest Fatherland Saved". After the termination of the journal, Field went away from his former views. In 1835-1844 he published an illustrated yearbook "A picturesque survey of memorable subjects from the sciences, arts, arts, industry and a hostel, with the addition of a scenic journey around the globe and the biographies of famous people." Participated in the "Northern Bee", in 1837-1838 he was in charge of the literary department of the newspaper. In 1838-1840 he was the editor of the "Son of the Fatherland". In 1841, together with NI Grech, he began to publish the monthly magazine "Russian Herald" and was its editor-in-chief in 1842-1844. He was also printed under the pseudonym, Ivan Balakirev. In addition to articles on the history, Polevoy wrote: "The History of the Russian People" (vol. 1-6, 1829-1833). In this work, he sought, in contrast to N.M. Karamzin's History of the Russian State, to move from an image of the role of rulers, military and foreign policy events to the identification of the "organic" development of the "people's principle". In "History" Polevoy focused on Western European romantic historiography, first of all, Guizot, and sought to identify elements of the social system (the first applied to Russia the concept of feudalism), to reconstruct folk representations, etc. Criticism of the "Pushkin circle" perceived the work of Polevoy as an unworthy "parody" of Karamzin and subjected the author, not in all the well-deserved attacks. In a rough review, Pushkin, however, regarded the second volume more favorably as a more independent work. Initially, Polevoy planned to write 12 volumes (like Karamzin) and announced a subscription for just such a number of volumes, but because of personal difficulties he could write and publish only 6, which caused accusations of financial ill-will. The last volumes of The History of the Russian People are not as interesting as the first two; They are affected by the haste of the writer who "stumbles" into the traditional "state" scheme of the exposition, recounts the sources, etc. The account of the Field brought to the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. After "History" he put a number of historical works for the general reader. For example, in the work "Little Russia; Its inhabitants and history "(Moscow Telegraph, 1830 - No. 17-18). (As Karamzin insisted on this), "We brought down their aristocrats, gradually eliminated local rights, introduced their own laws, believed ... but for all that, the natives did not have time to bring down the tug, just like Tatars, Buryatov, and Samoyedov." "In this nation [we] see only two basic elements of ancient Rus: faith and language, but they were also a betrayal of time. All the rest is not ours: physiognomy, manners, dwellings, the way of life, poetry, clothes". He is one of the main characters in the book of A. Lurie "The Broken Arshin". The author of romantic stories "The Bliss of Madness" (1833); "Painter" (1833); "Emma" (1834); "The history of the Russian people", T. 1-6. M., 1829-1833; "The Oath of the Lord's Tomb", M., 1832; "Kozma Minich Sukhorukoy" M., 1833; "Dreams and life" Ch 1-4. M., 1833-1834; Christopher Columbus, M., 1835; "Russian history for initial reading", Ch. 1-4. M., 1835-1841; "Grandfather of the Russian Fleet", St. Petersburg., 1838; "Ugolino", Moscow, 1838; "Cherespolosochnye possession" M., 1838; "Essays on Russian Literature" Ch.1-2. St. Petersburg, 1839; "Abbaddonna," a novel by M., 1834, St. Petersburg, 1840; "Parasha-Siberia", St. Petersburg., 1840; "John Tzimischia". Parts 1-2. M., 1841; Dramatic compositions and translations. Ch.1-4. St. Petersburg, 1842-1843; "There were stories," St. Petersburg, 1843; "The Story of Ivan the Hood", St. Petersburg, 1843; "The History of the Prince of Italy, Count Suvorov-Rymniki" St. Petersburg, 1843; "The History of Peter the Great", Ch.1-4. St. Petersburg, 1843; "The Tale of the Great Battle of Borodino", St. Petersburg, 1844; "An old tale about Ivan the Fool", St. Petersburg., 1844; "The History of Napoleon", T. 1-5. St. Petersburg, 1844-1848; "Russian generals", St. Petersburg., 1845; "Ermak Timofeevich, or the Volga and Siberia, St. Petersburg., 1845; "Review of Russian History", St. Petersburg., 1846; Field belongs to the prose translation of Shakespeare's Hamlet (1837). In dramas (only about 40 plays) he addressed to events and figures of Russian history (Simeon Kirdyapa, 1828, Krakow Castle, 1829, Elena Glinskaya, 1839, Igolkin, Novgorod merchant, 1839; Kostromsky Forest ", 1841," Lomonosov, or Life and Poetry ", 1843," The Russian Sailor., Historical Background, "1843; Articles about G. R. Derzhavin, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin and other Russian writers compiled the book "Sketches of Russian Literature" (Parts 1-2, 1839). In later years, he spoke against VG Belinsky and the so-called Gogol trend in literature; Belinsky, himself actively polemicizing with him, nevertheless recognized the significant literary merits of Polevoy in his obituary to him.

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