A Kazakh poet, writer, translator and composer (1935–1983). He was born in in the village Koshalak, Kurmangazy District, in Atyrau Province.

In 1956, he wrote the lyrics of the Kazakh patriotic song "My Kazakhstan" along with Shamshi Kaldayakov, who composed the music. In 2006 by the decission of first and current Kazakhstan's president Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Kazakh patriotic song "My Kazakhstan" became the current anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He raised by his grandfather on his father - Nazhimeden Stamgaziev. It was he who instilled a love for the boy the way, the history of the homeland, as well as the traditions of the Kazakh people, which influenced the formation of his personality. The grandfather told his grandson about his famous ancestors - Kartpanbet-jyrau (great-grandfather in the sixth knee) and his older sister Kosuan (mother of Mahambet Utemisov).
In the 1956-59 years. He studied at the Kazakh State Conservatory (now the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy). Later he worked as an editor of the publishing house "Zhazushy" (Writer), head of the department of the newspaper "Leninshil jas" (Lenin's youth), literary consultant of Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, editor Goverment Commetee of Typography, head of the "Mektep" publishing department.
In 1961 came the first lyrical collection of Zhumeken Nazhimedenov "Egіs" (Niva or Paddy field). Four years later - the next collection, "No, we can not forget." Total during the life of J. Nazhimedenov ten collections of poetry and three novels were published - "Aq shagyl" ( "White Sands") (1973), "Kіshkentay" ( "Little") (1975), "Danq pen daqpyrt" ("The fame and rumor") (1978).

Not having lived six days before his 48th birthday Jumeken Najimedenov died on November 22, 1983. After the death of the poet came out ten more collections, which included unpublished during his lifetime poetry, poems, novels, articles, translations and nine kyuis. His works have been translated and published in many languages. In turn Jumeken Najimedenov translated into Kazakh language works of Voznesensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, N. Hikmet and others.
Jumeken Najimedenov is the author of the text of the current national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Text "Menin Kazakhstanym" song was written by him at the beginning of his career, at the age of 21 years. Then on his poems "My Kazakhstan" music written by composer Shamshi Kaldayakov. Played by Jamal Omarova song became very popular, almost a national anthem. Authors and dreamed about it. And when it came to creating a new national anthem of the Republic, the president Nazarbaev chose this song.

January 11, 2006 song "Menin Kazakhstanym" (My Kazakhstan) first sounded as the National Anthem of the country under the roof of the residence "Aq Orda" in a solemn moment of entry Nursultan Nazarbayev to the position of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In December 2015, during the celebration of Independence Day of Kazakhstan at home Zhumeken Nazhimedenov in Atyrau was a bronze monument to the poet 4 meters high and with a pedestal and all 9 meters

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