Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
«Kazcontent» JSC launches new website "Literary po...

25.12.2013 1892

«Kazcontent» JSC launches new website "Literary portal" offering free Kazakh literature books

«Kazcontent» JSC launches new website "Literary portal" offering free Kazakh literature books  -


«The portal provides all holders of Android-based devices with an opportunity to read books of the Kazakh authors. Another advantage of the portal is that when people from other countries search for information about Kazakhstan, they can find it on the portal. The portal provides information about the Kazakh culture», he said.

It is worth noting that the portal is aimed at promotion of the Kazakh literature and culture in the world. All information is posted on the portal in 4 languages: Kazakh, Russia, English and Turkish.

Everyone can read books here and discuss them, add reviews, comments, and they can even submit their own work. The portal consists of several sections. Children's literature, the world of poetry, translation and letters are among them. The web site is full of interesting quotations, interviews with cultural figures and comics.

«A book edition, was released as part of socially important projects of literature, is limited: only about 2,000 copies. We provided them to 45 libraries of the country. And we can’t supply the necessary amount of books based on the demand. So we decided to launch a web portal that will offer free Kazakh literature books», said B.Kalyanbekov.



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