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Akhmet Baitursynuly
List of Astana city's history and cultural monumen...

29.06.2016 1370

List of Astana city's history and cultural monuments (part III).

On the eve of 18th anniversary, I mean the adulthood of the young capital "Astana" - since 1998 officially presented to the world as the new capital of Kazakhstan (the city itself precursor ancient medieval fortress city Bozok there are several thousand years old), we offer you the list of monuments of history and culture of the city. Part III
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1) Enclosures of green mosque 1895 - Abay avenue, 83. 

At the end of the XIX century in Akmola there was a new a cathedral mosque, on individual data of its discovery dates back to 1887 godom.Kak writes ethnographer Andrei Dubitsky, called "Kazakh-Tatar" Because a wooden mosque  was built by their own means are among the richest merchants of Akmola Tatar Nurken Zabirov and Kazakhs Baimukhamet Koshegulov, Mursal, Mirkamalov and Husain Begishev. A "green" - because it was painted with green oil paint. which was demolished as well. Only the fencing (Enclosures ) of the mosque on Abai Street was retained. Many historical memorials, cathedrals and mosques were either exploded, burnt down or demolished due to the Soviet Regime war on religion and restructuring by the Soviet state but the few landmarks that remain are under government protection today. According to some reports, after the closure of the mosque by the Soviets Occupant Goverment and the restructuring it has long housed the House of Pioneers, and after the House of Pioners was moved to the another area, the mosque was demolished and on its place and territory was built a residential threeflored house for families of occupants. Today, only a fence reminiscent of places of worship. An interesting legend brings in his book "City of a thousand years of history," the general director of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Absemetov. According to the well-known scientist, during the masonry of walls was erected around the mosque, Bukhara builders in individual bricks inscribed the name of Allah.

2) The building of the hotel "Ishim" (hotel "Grand Park Esil") 1958-60.  Beibitshilik Street -8 

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3) Pioneer House (Directorate of State Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Residence of the President, JSC "Hotel" Alatau "the Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan President's Administration) 60 years of the twentieth century. Beybitshilik Street, 6

4) The building of the cinema "October" (Restaurant and hotel complex "Ak Sunqar") beginning of the twentieth century. Abay Avenue-29

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5) Trading house of the merchant M.K. Kubrin (Central City Library, Centro-printt, county economic department, fabric store, grocery and bookstore shop "Rainbow", now trading house "Astana") 1905-1907. Kenesary Khan Street-37

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6) House of the merchant V. Kubrin and an outbuilding (Workers 'and Peasants' club and a library, a county executive committee, a building of the "First House of Soviets", city, county and district offices of the OGPU, NKVD and the militia, Education Department, Pioneer House, Regional History Museum, Embassy of Ukraine) of 1910-1912. 1920-21. Kenesary Khan Street - 41


7) Hospital of the merchant S. Kubrin (oncologic dispensary, the building of JSC "National Center for Space Communications and Electromagnetic Compatibility of radio-electronic means") 1880. Alibi Dzhangildin Street-40

The building was built in 1880 by merchant Kubrin for his nephew. In terms of the building consists of three rectangular buildings: 2 main and 1 binder. Head north-east facade is decorated with rich masonry. The building bears the signs of figured architecture with elements of Gothic.
 8) Residential house of Dr. Fyodor Blagoveshchensky (Central Regional accounting school, office building of the museum S.Seifullin) beginning of the twentieth century. Mukhtar Auezov Street -20a
The monument of wooden architecture. This wooden frame, sheathed with boards. The windows have shutters and trim. 
9) Merchant House (kindergarten "Zorka", Museum of S. Seifullin) 1846 - Mukhtar Auezov Street.20
10) House of the merchant D.V.Egorov (Zhagorov) (military enlistment office, building of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan) XIX - early XX century. 


The article to be continued..

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