Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
«My independent country - my support»...

13.12.2016 2670

«My independent country - my support»

«My independent country - my support» -

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December 13 at 11:00 at the National Art Gallery «Astana» was held exhibition of 25 young artists of Kazakhstan and the round table «Tauelsіz elim – tіregіm» («My independent country - my support»), with the participation of prominent scientists, statesmen and public figures of the country dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



2016 for each citizen of Kazakhstan was marked with a very important chapter in the life - the year of the solemn celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the year of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Art Gallery «Astana» invited to participate in this event, 25 young artists - graphic artists, sculptors and painters, whose creative work was presented at the exhibition.

One of the main goals of the event - was creating goodwill respect and honor of Independence of our strong country. Even increasing interest among the population to the works of young and gifted talents, formed as artists over the years of Independence, acquaintanceship with new names to a wide range of audiences, as well as supporting initiatives of young talents in creative ways, which undoubtedly will contribute to the cultural development of the the country in general. To develop cravings for Art & Culture among the younger generation, so that theyin their turn showed civic participation in society by demonstrating their thoughts on facilities of art.



Gifted, ambitious, seeking their way and their supply line of the works young artists of our country have presented works executed in different genres of art. This is - landscapes, still lifes, paintings of historical and domestic-folk genre painting, sculpture, pottery. Also, presented works decorative art and applied art, arts and crafts executed in modern style made of felt: tekemets, tapestries, shiys, syrmaks, felt panels and much more. Works are diverse and versatile, but very interesting in their interpretation of some national stories and the glorifying the culture and traditions of Kazakh people. Participation in event was attended by representatives of such literature and art as:


Writer, journalist - has written articles in newspapers «Zhas Alash», «Zhetysu», «Qazaq adebietі», «Ana tіlі», in the journal «Tan-Sholpan», worked as the Vice-Chief Editor of the newspaper «Nur-Astana». Currently he is the chief editor of the «Madeni Mura» magazine. His works, such as (Zhalgyz Zhelken Әngіmeler A., «Zhalyn» 1984..; Tenіzdey bir tamshy. Novellas and short stories. A., «Zhalyn», 1986; Qulan zhanaryndagy gumyr. Novellas and short stories. A., «Zhalyn», 1988; «Life in the eyes of kulan». Novellas and short stories. A., «Balausa», 1992; «Jer sіlkі iіsі nen bir zhuma buryn». Novellas and short stories. A., «Zhazushy», 1996; Qatelesesіn, Qymbattym .... 2004. Elde zhoq erezheler. A., 2006; Zhidelі togay dagy Zheti kun. A., 2007; Sirdariya seriyasymen zharyq korgen ekі tomdyq shyarmalar zhinagy. 2008; An saluga alі erte. 2008) have been translated into several languages. Multiple winner of the closed competition of «Zhalyn» public house. Laureate of the International literary prize «Alash».

Winner and prize winner of the Grand Prix of the National Literary Contest «Astana-Bayterek» - Zhienbay Kuanysh (our an older comrade and writer Kuanysh said he had witnessed the events of so-called "August coup" took place to be on August 18-21, 1991 in Moscow. And also congratulated all those present on the upcoming celebration of the 25th anniversary Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan).


  Candidate of pedagogical science, Professor of «Painting and Sculpture» in Kazakh National University of Arts under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, Baikonur Izhanov.


Ayman Asylbekova, Erlan Baktybayuly, Babe Asemkul, Syrlybek Bekbotaev, Gulmaral Tatibekova, Renat Elubaev, Aidos Esmaganbetov, Kairat Zhayyrbekuly, Omirali Ismailov, Natalie Legan, Jenis Moldabekov Jeanne Nugerbek, Gullnazym Omirzakkyzy and other public figures were among the participants of the event.



To the attention of visitors were presented a lot of genres, trends and schools of young artists in the visual arts. This is - and the landscape, still-life paintings from the life and history of the formation of the Republic of Independence, ceramic sculptures varied shapes. As well as handmade and modern style: tekemets, tapestrys, shiys,  syrmaks and etc. .












We believe that the presented works are widely described and show the national character, cultural and folk customs and identity of our nation.




At the round table keenly discussed achievements of Republic for the years of independence, including those in the field of fine arts, creative plans facing young artists, international cooperation with well-known museums and galleries around the world.


Young artists expressed that the main theme of their work is devoted to paintings and works of the country's Independence.







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