Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
«Novellasia»: 100 authors from Central Asia have s...

02.04.2014 2065

«Novellasia»: 100 authors from Central Asia have submitted their creative writing to NewEurasia's «Novellasia» competition

«Novellasia»: 100 authors from Central Asia have submitted their creative writing to NewEurasia's «Novellasia» competition -

Nearly 100 authors from across Central Asia have submitted their creative writing to NewEurasia's «Novellasia» competition

Literary portal - a media partner of the competition of writers of Central Asia "Novellasia" – announces that «Novellasia» closed its doors to new submissions yesterday (1 April 2014).

2014-04-02 12-42-16 Скриншот экрана.pngPromoters have been extremely pleased by the turn-out, which exceeded even their wildest expectations. They are still processing all of the submissions, but so far it appears that 94 authors and approximately 100 works have been submitted. A full list of participants is available here.

The best news is that all Central Asia's diverse languages are represented! Although of course Russian has the largest representation, there are nonetheless significant representations from Kyrgyz (10), Uzbek (10), and Tajik (6).

The main judge for the contest: Alexey Ulko from Uzbekistan. The son of the famous painter Gregory Ulko, he is in his own right a young expert on Central Asian arts and culture.

Ulko will be assisted by an anonymous panel of consultants specialized in national literature, one from each Central Asian republic.

The blogger of «Novellasia» Nurzhan Kadyrkulova will soon be blogging on «Novellasia»’s main website about the internal decision-making process, as well as other issues related to Central Asian literature.

The shortlist of 10 nominees will be announced on and on 21 April, and on 1 May the jury will make its final choice of 5 winners.

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