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Olzhas's poetry is great as a steppe, deep as a ri...

18.05.2017 3299

Olzhas's poetry is great as a steppe, deep as a river. Today is the birthday of Olzhas Suleimenov

Olzhas's poetry is great as a steppe, deep as a river. Today is the birthday of Olzhas Suleimenov -

Today is the birthday of Olzhas Suleimenov. A person about whom we can talk endlessly. On his work, on patriotism, but most importantly his work. Olzhas's poetry is great as a steppe, deep as a river.

Leon Robel talked about Olzhas the next thing: "... for a long time already our fragmented world has not heard such a strong voice - we recognize Olzhas Suleimenov as the successor or successor of Gilgamesh, Hugo, Khlebnikov, one of those whose greatness is natural." We should be proud that we have such a talented compatriot. All the poems of Olzhas are distinguished by their penetration, the beauty of their composition. But today we decided to talk about the author's love lyrics.

Love is an eternal theme for all poets. All the famous poets were once in love and composed poems for their lovers. In his work "Night comparison" Olzhas Suleimenov compares his beloved with honey:

You're like honey,

As I recall - my teeth ache,

You're like a joke, from which I howl,

I'm worthless, who will offend me?

I saw hell, now I would see heaven.

In these lines, the author used a verbal rhyme. Specificity of poetic works consists in the fact that they are filled with meaning, which is often expressed concisely, turned into a special form. Paying attention to keywords, you need to think about their meaning. Through the love of the frog croak, fish swim, he tries to convey his feelings, to show how beautiful it is.

A feature of his lyrical poems is also the absence of a plot, concentrating mainly on the inner world of man. Therefore, the comprehension of meaning occurs through emotionality. And here an important role is given to associative thinking. The author seeks to evoke in the reader multiple associations that allow one to trace the development of his artistic thought, to understand the depth of the work. At the end of the poem, he comes to the conclusion that he loves her in his own way, not as an ass loves the grass, as the sun loves the sky.

Not for nothing Neume Ledermann said that Olzhas wrote with Kazakh coloring but on Russian language. In the Russian-language work of the "non-Russian" author - a different rhythm, other shades of meaning than in Russian language. It is important to distinguish from the Russian text, and from other non-Russian Russian-speakers.

Translated by Akhan Tuleshov, Author Balnur Qizirbekqizi – Literary Portal

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